None | __init__ (Base.IOStream ios) |
| Initializes the CDFBZ2ReactionWriter instance. More...
None | __init__ () |
| Initializes the ReactionWriterBase instance.
ReactionWriterBase | write (Reaction rxn) |
| Writes the Reaction object rxn. More...
None | close () |
| Writes format dependent data (if required) to mark the end of output. More...
bool | __bool__ () |
bool | __nonzero__ () |
int | registerIOCallback (VoidDataIOBaseFunctor func) |
| Registers an I/O callback target function. More...
None | unregisterIOCallback (int id) |
| Unregisters the I/O callback function specified by id. More...
None | invokeIOCallbacks (float progress) |
| Invokes all registered I/O callback functions with the argument self . More...
None | clearIOCallbacks () |
| Clears all registered I/O callback functions.
None | setParameter (LookupKey key, Any value) |
bool | removeParameter (LookupKey key) |
| Removes the entry for the control-parameter specified by key. More...
Any | getParameter (LookupKey key, bool throw_=False, bool local=False) |
| Returns the value of the control-parameter specified by key. More...
Any | getParameterOrDefault (LookupKey key, Any def_value, bool local=False) |
bool | isParameterSet (LookupKey key, bool local=False) |
| Tells whether or not a value has been assigned to the control-parameter specified by key. More...
None | clearParameters () |
| Erases all container entries. More...
None | addParameters (ControlParameterContainer cntnr) |
| Adds the control-parameter value entries in the ControlParameterContainer instance cntnr. More...
None | copyParameters (ControlParameterContainer cntnr) |
| Replaces the current set of properties by a copy of the entries in cntnr. More...
int | getNumParameters () |
| Returns the number of container entries. More...
int | registerParameterChangedCallback (VoidLookupKeyAnyFunctor func) |
| Registers a callback target function that gets invoked when the value of a control-parameter has changed. More...
None | unregisterParameterChangedCallback (int id) |
| Unregisters the callback specified by id. More...
int | registerParameterRemovedCallback (VoidLookupKeyFunctor func) |
| Registers a callback target function that gets invoked when a control-parameter entry has been removed. More...
None | unregisterParameterRemovedCallback (int id) |
| Unregisters the callback specified by id. More...
int | registerParentChangedCallback (VoidFunctor func) |
| Registers a callback target function that gets invoked when the parent container has been changed or was detached. More...
None | unregisterParentChangedCallback (int id) |
| Unregisters the callback specified by id. More...
ControlParameterContainer | getParent () |
| Returns a reference to the parent control-parameter container. More...
None | setParent (ControlParameterContainer cntnr) |
| Sets or removes the parent control-parameter container used to resolve requests for missing entries. More...
list | getParameterKeys () |
list | getParameterValues () |
list | getParameters () |
| Returns a reference to itself. More...
int | getObjectID () |
| Returns the numeric identifier (ID) of the wrapped C++ class instance. More...
Any | __getitem__ (LookupKey key) |
None | __setitem__ (LookupKey key, Any value) |
bool | __delitem__ (LookupKey self) |
bool | __contains__ (LookupKey self, bool key) |
| Returns the result of the membership test operation self in arg1 . More...
int | __len__ () |