Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.3.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CCDPL::Base::AnyA safe, type checked container for arbitrary data of variable type
 CCDPL::Util::Array< ValueType >A dynamic array class providing amortized constant time access to arbitrary elements
 CCDPL::Util::Array< MatchConstraint >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< MMFF94AngleBendingInteraction >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< MMFF94BondStretchingInteraction >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< MMFF94ElectrostaticInteraction >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< MMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingInteraction >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< MMFF94StretchBendInteraction >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< MMFF94TorsionInteraction >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< MMFF94VanDerWaalsInteraction >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< StereoDescriptor >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< StringDataBlockEntry >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< typename ValueType::SharedPointer >
 CCDPL::Util::Array< V >
 CCDPL::Chem::AtomBondMappingA data structure for the common storage of related atom to atom and bond to bond mappings
 CCDPL::Chem::AtomDictionaryA global dictionary for the lookup of data associated with the atom types defined in namespace Chem::AtomType
 CCDPL::MolProp::AtomHydrophobicityCalculatorImplements Greene's algorithm [CATA] for the calculation of atom hydrophobicities
 CCDPL::Descr::AutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator< T >AutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator
 CCDPL::Descr::AutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator< Chem::Atom >
 CCDPL::Descr::AutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator< Pharm::Feature >
 CCDPL::Math::BFGSMinimizer< VA, VT, FVT >Fletcher's implementation of the BFGS method
 CCDPL::Math::BFGSMinimizer< QuaternionTransformation >
 CCDPL::Chem::BondContainerA common interface for data-structures that support a random access to stored Chem::Bond instances
 CCDPL::Util::BronKerboschAlgorithmImplementation of the Bron-Kerbosch clique-detection algorithm [BKA]
 CCDPL::Vis::BrushSpecifies the fill pattern and fill color of shapes
 CCDPL::Vis::CairoPointer< T >A smart pointer managing the lifetime of allocated Cairo data structures
 CCDPL::Vis::CairoPointer< cairo_t >
 CCDPL::Vis::CairoPointerTraits< T >
 CCDPL::Vis::CairoPointerTraits< cairo_pattern_t >Specialization of CairoPointerTraits for the object type cairo_pattern_t
 CCDPL::Vis::CairoPointerTraits< cairo_surface_t >Specialization of CairoPointerTraits for the object type cairo_surface_t
 CCDPL::Vis::CairoPointerTraits< cairo_t >Specialization of CairoPointerTraits for the object type cairo_t
 CCDPL::Chem::ChEMBLStandardizerImplementation of the ChEMBL structure preprocessing pipeline
 CCDPL::Vis::ColorSpecifies a color in terms of its red, green and blue components and an alpha-channel for transparency
 CCDPL::Math::CommonType< T1, T2 >
 CCDPL::Math::ComplexTraits< T >
 CCDPL::Math::ComplexTraits< std::complex< T > >
 CCDPL::Util::CompressionAlgoTraits< CompAlgo >
 CCDPL::Util::CompressionAlgoTraits< BZIP2 >
 CCDPL::Util::CompressionAlgoTraits< GZIP >
 CCDPL::Base::ControlParameterContainerA class providing methods for the storage and lookup of control-parameter values
 CCDPL::Base::DataFormatProvides meta-information about a particular data storage format
 CCDPL::Base::DataInputHandler< T >A factory interface providing methods for the creation of Base::DataReader instances handling a particular object type and storage format
 CCDPL::Base::DataInputHandler< Chem::Molecule >
 CCDPL::Base::DataInputHandler< Pharmacophore >
 CCDPL::Base::DataInputHandler< typename ReaderImpl::DataType >
 CCDPL::Base::DataIOManager< T >A singleton class that serves as a global registry for Base::DataInputHandler and Base::DataOutputHandler implementation instances
 CCDPL::Base::DataOutputHandler< T >A factory interface providing methods for the creation of Base::DataWriter instances handling a particular object type and storage format
 CCDPL::Base::DataOutputHandler< Chem::MolecularGraph >
 CCDPL::Base::DataOutputHandler< typename WriterImpl::DataType >
 CCDPL::Descr::PathFingerprintGenerator::DefAtomDescriptorFunctorThe default functor for the generation of atom descriptors
 CCDPL::Chem::HashCodeCalculator::DefAtomHashSeedFunctorThe default functor for the generation of atom hash seeds
 CCDPL::Descr::CircularFingerprintGenerator::DefAtomIdentifierFunctorThe functor for the generation of ECFP atom identifiers
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< T >::DefaultConstructor
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< T >::DefaultConstructor
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< T >::DefaultDestructor
 CCDPL::Descr::PathFingerprintGenerator::DefBondDescriptorFunctorThe default functor for the generation of bond descriptors
 CCDPL::Chem::HashCodeCalculator::DefBondHashSeedFunctorThe default functor for the generation of bond hash seeds
 CCDPL::Descr::CircularFingerprintGenerator::DefBondIdentifierFunctorThe default functor for the generation of bond identifiers
 CCDPL::Util::Dereferencer< ArgType, ResType >An unary functor for the dereferenciation of pointers without null pointer checking
 CCDPL::Util::DGCoordinatesGeneratorBase< Dim, T, Derived >Base for classes dedicated to the generation of coordinates that fulfill user-provided point distance (and volume) constraints [ASPE]
 CCDPL::Util::DGCoordinatesGeneratorBase< 3, T, DGCoordinatesGenerator< 3, T > >
 CCDPL::Util::DGCoordinatesGeneratorBase< Dim, T, DGCoordinatesGenerator< Dim, T > >
 CCDPL::Math::DirectAssignmentProxy< C >
 CCDPL::Util::DGCoordinatesGeneratorBase< Dim, T, Derived >::DistanceConstraint
 CCDPL::Chem::Entity3DContainerA common interface for data-structures that support a random access to stored Chem::Entity3D instances
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CCDPL::Math::Expression< E >
 CCDPL::Vis::FontSpecifies a font for drawing text
 CCDPL::Vis::FontMetricsAn interface class with methods that provide information about the metrics of a font
 CCDPL::ForceField::GradientVectorTraits< GV >
 CCDPL::ForceField::GradientVectorTraits< Math::VectorArray< V > >
 CCDPL::ForceField::GradientVectorTraits< std::vector< V > >
 CCDPL::Vis::GraphicsPrimitive2DThe abstract base class of all 2D graphics primitives
 CCDPL::Math::GridBinary1Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::GridBooleanBinaryFunctor< G1, G2 >
 CCDPL::Math::GridCoordinatesMatrixTransformTraits< MatrixType >
 CCDPL::Math::GridCoordinatesMatrixTransformTraits< BoundedMatrix< T, 4, 4 > >
 CCDPL::Math::GridCoordinatesMatrixTransformTraits< CMatrix< T, 4, 4 > >
 CCDPL::Math::GridCoordinatesTransformTraits< T >
 CCDPL::Math::GridScalarUnaryFunctor< M >
 CCDPL::Math::GridScalarUnaryFunctor< G >
 CCDPL::Math::GridTemporaryTraits< G >
 CCDPL::Math::GridUnaryTraits< E, F >
 CCDPL::Base::LookupKey::HashFuncA functor class implementing the generation of hash codes for LookupKey instances
 CCDPL::Biomol::HierarchyViewA data structure allowing a hierarchical view on biological macromolecules
 Cstd::integral_constant< bool, !(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< T >::value &&sizeof(T)<=sizeof(Storage::stack) &&std::alignment_of< T >::value<=std::alignment_of< Storage::StackStorageT >::value)>
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 CCDPL::Math::KabschAlgorithm< T >Implementation of the Kabsch algorithm [KABA]
 CCDPL::Math::KabschAlgorithm< double >
 CCDPL::Math::KabschAlgorithm< typename V::ValueType >
 CCDPL::Math::KabschAlgorithm< ValueType >
 CCDPL::Vis::Line2DSpecifies a line segment in 2D space
 CCDPL::Base::LookupKeyAn unique lookup key for control-parameter and property values
 CCDPL::Descr::MACCSFingerprintGeneratorGeneration of 166 bit MACCS key fingerprints
 CCDPL::Util::Map< Key, Value, AllowDefValues, KeyCompFunc >A unique sorted associative container that maps keys to values
 CCDPL::Util::Map< std::size_t, Color >
 CCDPL::Util::Map< std::size_t, double >
 CCDPL::Util::Map< unsigned int, double, true >
 CCDPL::Util::Map< unsigned int, std::size_t, true >
 CCDPL::Util::MapDefaultValue< ValueType, Allow >
 CCDPL::Util::MapDefaultValue< ValueType, false >
 CCDPL::Chem::MatchExpression< ObjType1, ObjType2 >A generic boolean expression interface for the implementation of query/target object equivalence tests in molecular graph matching algorithms
 CCDPL::Chem::MatchExpression< Atom, MolecularGraph >
 CCDPL::Chem::MatchExpression< Bond, MolecularGraph >
 CCDPL::Chem::MatchExpression< MolecularGraph >
 CCDPL::Chem::MatchExpression< ObjType, void >A generic boolean expression interface for the implementation of query/target object equivalence tests in molecular graph matching algorithms
 CCDPL::Chem::MatchExpression< ObjType1, void >
 CCDPL::Chem::MatchExpression< Reaction >
 CCDPL::Math::Matrix1VectorBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Matrix2VectorBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixBinary1Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixBinary2Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixBinaryFunctor< M1, M2 >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixBooleanBinaryFunctor< M1, M2 >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixScalarRealUnaryFunctor< M >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixScalarUnaryFunctor< M >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixTemporaryTraits< M >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixUnaryTraits< E, F >
 CCDPL::Math::MatrixVectorBinaryFunctor< M, V >
 CCDPL::Math::MinimizerVariableArrayTraits< A >
 CCDPL::Math::MinimizerVariableArrayTraits< std::vector< V > >
 CCDPL::Math::MinimizerVariableArrayTraits< VA >
 CCDPL::Math::MinimizerVariableArrayTraits< VectorArray< V > >
 CCDPL::Math::MLRModel< T >Performs Multiple Linear Regression [WLIREG] on a set of data points \( (y_i, \vec{X}_i) \)
 CCDPL::Biomol::MMCIFDataA data structure for the storage of imported MMCIF data (see [MMCIF])
 CCDPL::ForceField::MMFF94EnergyCalculator< ValueType >
 CCDPL::ForceField::MMFF94GradientCalculator< ValueType >
 CCDPL::Util::MultiMap< Key, Value, AllowDefValues, KeyCompFunc >A multiple sorted associative container that maps keys to values
 CCDPL::Util::MultiMap< const Atom *, const Atom *, true >
 CCDPL::Util::MultiMap< const Bond *, const Bond *, true >
 CCDPL::Util::MultiMap< const Entity3D *, const Entity3D *, true >
 CCDPL::Util::MultiMap< const Feature *, const Feature *, true >
 CCDPL::Util::MultiMapDefaultValue< ValueType, Allow >
 CCDPL::Util::MultiMapDefaultValue< ValueType, false >
 CCDPL::Util::NullCheckDereferencer< ArgType, ResType >An unary functor for the dereferenciation of pointers with null pointer checking
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< T >A data structure that caches instances of type T up to a user specified amount
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< BasicAtom >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< BasicBond >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< BasicFeature >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< BasicMolecule >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< Cell >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< Edge >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< Math::Vector3DArray >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< PathMessage >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< StructureData >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectPool< SubstructDescriptor >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< T >ObjectStack
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< AGEdge >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< AGNode >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< AtomBondMapping >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< AtomNode >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< ClipPathPrimitive2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< Edge >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< GaussianShapeFunction >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< IndexArray >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< LGEdge >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< LinePrimitive2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< LineSegmentListPrimitive2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< PathPrimitive2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< PointListPrimitive2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< PolygonPrimitive2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< PolylinePrimitive2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< RingInfo >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< RingSysNode >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< State >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< StructureView2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< TextLabelPrimitive2D >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< Util::BitSet >
 CCDPL::Util::ObjectStack< Util::STPairArray >
 CCDPL::Vis::Path2DProvides a container for painting operations, enabling arbitrary graphical shapes to be constructed and reused
 CCDPL::Vis::Path2DConverterProvides an interface for classes that implement the conversion of Vis::Path2D objects into rendering backend specific path descriptions or drawing operations
 CCDPL::Biomol::PDBDataA data structure for the storage of imported PDB data records (see [CTFILE])
 CCDPL::Vis::PenSpecifies how to draw lines and outlines of shapes
 CCDPL::Base::PropertyContainerA class providing methods for the storage and lookup of object properties
 CCDPL::Util::PropertyValue< T >An unary functor that retrieves the value of a given property from the Base::PropertyContainer instance provided as argument
 CCDPL::Util::PropertyValueProduct< ResType, PropertyValueType >A binary functor that calculates the product of two property values retrieved from a pair of Base::PropertyContainer instances passed as argument
 CCDPL::Chem::ProtonationStateStandardizerSets the protation state of molecules according to desired objectives
 CCDPL::Descr::PubChemFingerprintGeneratorGeneration of 881 bit PubChem fingerprints
 CCDPL::Vis::QtObjectFactoryProvides methods for the creation of QFont, QColor, QPen and QBrush objects from Font, Color, Pen and Brush instances
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionBinary1Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionBinary2Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionBinaryFunctor< Q1, Q2 >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionBooleanBinaryFunctor< Q1, Q2 >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionScalarRealUnaryFunctor< Q >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionScalarUnaryFunctor< Q >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionTemporaryTraits< Q >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionTemporaryTraits< const VectorQuaternionAdapter< V > >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionTemporaryTraits< VectorQuaternionAdapter< V > >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionUnary1Traits< E, F >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionUnary2Traits< E, F >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionUnaryFunctor< Q >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionVectorBinaryFunctor< Q, V >
 CCDPL::Math::QuaternionVectorBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Range< S >
 CCDPL::Math::Range< SizeType >
 CCDPL::Descr::RDFCodeCalculator< T >RDFCodeCalculator
 CCDPL::Descr::RDFCodeCalculator< Chem::Atom >
 CCDPL::Descr::RDFCodeCalculator< Pharm::Feature >
 CCDPL::Vis::Rectangle2DSpecifies an axis aligned rectangular area in 2D space
 CCDPL::Vis::Renderer2DAn interface that provides methods for low level 2D drawing operations
 CCDPL::Biomol::ResidueDictionaryA global dictionary for the lookup of meta-data associated with the residues in biological macromolecules
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar13QuaternionTernaryFunctor< T1, Q, T2 >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar13QuaternionTernaryTraits< E1, E2, E3, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar1GridBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar1MatrixBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar1QuaternionBinary1Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar1QuaternionBinary2Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar1QuaternionBinaryFunctor< T, Q >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar1VectorBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar2GridBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar2MatrixBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar2QuaternionBinary1Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar2QuaternionBinary2Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar2QuaternionBinaryFunctor< Q, T >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar2VectorBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar3GridBooleanTernaryFunctor< G1, G2, T >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar3MatrixBooleanTernaryFunctor< M1, M2, T >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar3QuaternionBooleanTernaryFunctor< Q1, Q2, T >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar3QuaternionTernaryFunctor< Q1, Q2, T >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar3QuaternionTernaryTraits< E1, E2, E3, F >
 CCDPL::Math::Scalar3VectorBooleanTernaryFunctor< V1, V2, T >
 CCDPL::Math::ScalarAbsImpl< Signed >
 CCDPL::Math::ScalarAbsImpl< false >
 CCDPL::Math::ScalarBinaryAssignmentFunctor< T1, T2 >
 CCDPL::Math::ScalarBinaryFunctor< T1, T2 >
 CCDPL::Math::ScalarRealUnaryFunctor< T >
 CCDPL::Math::ScalarTraits< T >
 CCDPL::Math::ScalarUnaryFunctor< T >
 CCDPL::Pharm::ScreeningDBAccessorA class for accessing the data stored in pharmacophore screening databases
 CCDPL::Pharm::ScreeningDBCreatorA class for the creation of optimized pharmacophore screening databases
 CCDPL::Vis::SizeSpecificationSpecifies the value and type of a size attribute and defines how the value may change during processing steps
 CCDPL::Math::Slice< S, D >
 CCDPL::Math::Slice< SizeType, DifferenceType >
 CCDPL::Math::SparseContainerElement< C, K >
 CCDPL::Chem::SpatialEntityAlignment< T >SpatialEntityAlignment
 CCDPL::Chem::SpatialEntityAlignment< Feature >
 CCDPL::Chem::StereoDescriptorA data structure for the storage and retrieval of stereochemical information about atoms and bonds
 CCDPL::Chem::StringDataBlockEntryRepresents a data item in the structure or reaction data block of a MDL SD- or RD-File data record (see [CTFILE])
 CCDPL::Chem::TopologicalEntityAlignment< T >TopologicalEntityAlignment
 CCDPL::Chem::TopologicalEntityAlignment< Feature >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorArrayAlignmentCalculator< VA, V, T >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorArrayAlignmentCalculator< Math::Vector3DArray >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorBinary1Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorBinary2Traits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorBinaryFunctor< V1, V2 >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorBooleanBinaryFunctor< V1, V2 >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorElementAccessor< E >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorElementAccessor< const E >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorIteratorTraits< E >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorIteratorTraits< const E >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorMatrixBinaryTraits< E1, E2, F >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorMatrixUnaryFunctor< V >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorMatrixUnaryTraits< E, F >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorScalarBinaryFunctor< V1, V2 >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorScalarIndexUnaryFunctor< V >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorScalarRealUnaryFunctor< V >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorScalarUnaryFunctor< V >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorTemporaryTraits< V >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorTemporaryTraits< const QuaternionVectorAdapter< Q > >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorTemporaryTraits< M >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorTemporaryTraits< QuaternionVectorAdapter< Q > >
 CCDPL::Math::VectorUnaryTraits< E, F >
 CCDPL::Util::DGCoordinatesGenerator< 3, T >::VolumeConstraint
 CCMatrix< double, 4, 4 >
 CMatrix< double >
 CVector< double >
 CVectorArray< Vector2D >
 CVectorArray< Vector3D >