▼NCDPL | The namespace of the Chemical Data Processing Library |
►NBase | Contains core framework classes and functions |
CAny | A safe, type checked container for arbitrary data of variable type |
CControlParameterContainer | A class providing methods for the storage and lookup of control-parameter values |
CControlParameterList | A data structure for the storage and lookup of control-parameter values |
CDataFormat | Provides meta-information about a particular data storage format |
CDataInputHandler | A factory interface providing methods for the creation of Base::DataReader instances handling a particular object type and storage format |
CDataIOBase | Provides infrastructure for the registration of I/O callback functions |
CDataIOManager | A singleton class that serves as a global registry for Base::DataInputHandler and Base::DataOutputHandler implementation instances |
CDataOutputHandler | A factory interface providing methods for the creation of Base::DataWriter instances handling a particular object type and storage format |
CDataReader | An interface for reading data objects of a given type from an arbitrary data source |
CDataWriter | An interface for writing data objects of a given type to an arbitrary data sink |
CException | The root of the CDPL exception hierarchy |
CValueError | Thrown to indicate errors caused by some invalid value |
CNullPointerException | Thrown when an operation requires or expects a valid pointer but a null pointer was provided |
CRangeError | Thrown to indicate that a value is out of range |
CSizeError | Thrown to indicate that the size of a (multidimensional) array is not correct |
CIndexError | Thrown to indicate that an index is out of range |
CItemNotFound | Thrown to indicate that some requested data item could not be found |
CBadCast | Thrown to indicate that a cast or conversion from a given source type to a requested target type is not possible |
COperationFailed | Thrown to indicate that some requested operation has failed (e.g. due to unfulfilled preconditions or other errors) |
CCalculationFailed | Thrown to indicate that some requested calculation has failed |
CIOError | Thrown to indicate that an I/O operation has failed because of physical (e.g. broken pipe) or logical (e.g. invalid file format) errors |
►CLookupKey | An unique lookup key for control-parameter and property values |
CHashFunc | A functor class implementing the generation of hash codes for LookupKey instances |
CPropertyContainer | A class providing methods for the storage and lookup of object properties |
►NBiomol | Contains classes and functions related to biological macromolecules |
CHierarchyView | A data structure allowing a hierarchical view on biological macromolecules |
CHierarchyViewChain | HierarchyViewChain |
CHierarchyViewFragment | HierarchyViewFragment |
CHierarchyViewModel | HierarchyViewModel |
CHierarchyViewNode | HierarchyViewNode |
►CMMCIFData | A data structure for the storage of imported MMCIF data (see [MMCIF]) |
CCategory | |
CItem | |
CMMCIFMolecularGraphWriter | |
CMMCIFMoleculeReader | |
CMMTFMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the Macromolecular Transmission Format (MMTF) [MMTF] |
CMMTFMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the Macromolecular Transmission Format (MMTF) [MMTF] |
CPDBData | A data structure for the storage of imported PDB data records (see [CTFILE]) |
CPDBMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (PDB) [PDB] format |
CPDBMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (PDB) [PDB] format |
►CResidueDictionary | A global dictionary for the lookup of meta-data associated with the residues in biological macromolecules |
CEntry | |
CResidueList | Implements the extraction of residues in biological macromolecules |
►NChem | Contains classes and functions related to chemistry |
CAmideImidicAcidTautomerization | AmideImidicAcidTautomerizationRule |
CANDMatchExpressionList | ANDMatchExpressionList |
CANDMatchExpressionList< ObjType, void > | ANDMatchExpressionList |
CAromaticRingSet | Implements the perception of aromatic rings in a molecular graph |
CAromaticSSSRSubset | Implements the extraction of the aromatic rings in the SSSR of a molecular graph |
CAromaticSubstructure | Implements the perception of aromatic atoms and bonds in a molecular graph |
CAtom | Atom |
CAtom2DCoordinatesCalculator | Atom2DCoordinatesCalculator |
CAtom3DCoordinatesFunctor | Atom3DCoordinatesFunctor |
CAtomArray3DCoordinatesFunctor | AtomArray3DCoordinatesFunctor |
CAtomBondMapping | A data structure for the common storage of related atom to atom and bond to bond mappings |
CAtomConfigurationMatchExpression | AtomConfigurationMatchExpression |
CAtomConformer3DCoordinatesFunctor | AtomConformer3DCoordinatesFunctor |
CAtomContainer | A common interface for data-structures that support a random access to stored Chem::Atom instances |
►CAtomDictionary | A global dictionary for the lookup of data associated with the atom types defined in namespace Chem::AtomType |
CEntry | |
CAtomEnvironmentMatchExpression | AtomEnvironmentMatchExpression |
CAtomMapping | A data type for the storage and lookup of arbitrary atom to atom mappings |
CAtomSSSRRingSizeMatchExpression | AtomSSSRRingSizeMatchExpression |
CAtomTypeMatchExpression | AtomTypeMatchExpression |
CAutomorphismGroupSearch | AutomorphismGroupSearch |
CBasicAtom | BasicAtom |
CBasicBond | BasicBond |
CBasicMolecule | BasicMolecule |
CBasicReaction | BasicReaction |
CBemisMurckoAnalyzer | BemisMurckoAnalyzer |
CBond | Bond |
CBondConfigurationMatchExpression | BondConfigurationMatchExpression |
CBondContainer | A common interface for data-structures that support a random access to stored Chem::Bond instances |
CBondDirectionMatchExpression | BondDirectionMatchExpression |
CBondMapping | A data type for the storage and lookup of arbitrary bond to bond mappings |
CBondOrderCalculator | BondOrderCalculator |
CBondReactionCenterStatusMatchExpression | BondReactionCenterStatusMatchExpression |
CBondStereoFlagCalculator | BondStereoFlagCalculator |
CBondSubstituentDirectionMatchExpression | BondSubstituentDirectionMatchExpression |
CBRICSFragmentGenerator | BRICSFragmentGenerator |
CCanonicalNumberingCalculator | CanonicalNumberingCalculator |
CCDFMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CCDFMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CCDFReactionReader | A reader for reaction data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CCDFReactionWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CChEMBLStandardizer | Implementation of the ChEMBL structure preprocessing pipeline |
CCIPConfigurationLabeler | CIPConfigurationLabeler |
CCIPPriorityCalculator | CIPPriorityCalculator |
CCMLMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the Chemical Markup Language [CML] format |
CCMLMoleculeReader | A Reader for molecule data in the Chemical Markup Language [CML] format |
CCommonConnectedSubstructureSearch | CommonConnectedSubstructureSearch |
CCompleteRingSet | Implements the exhaustive perception of rings in a molecular graph |
CComponentSet | Implements the perception of molecular graph components |
CConnectedSubstructureSet | ConnectedSubstructureSet |
CCyclicSubstructure | Implements the perception of ring atoms and bonds in a molecular graph |
CDefaultMultiConfMoleculeInputProcessor | MultiConfMoleculeInputProcessor |
CDefaultTautomerGenerator | DefaultTautomerGenerator |
CElectronSystem | Describes an electron system of a molecule in terms of involved atoms and their electron contributions |
CElectronSystemList | A data type for the storage of Chem::ElectronSystem objects |
CEntity3D | Entity3D |
CEntity3DContainer | A common interface for data-structures that support a random access to stored Chem::Entity3D instances |
CEntity3DCoordinatesFunctor | Entity3DCoordinatesFunctor |
CEntity3DMapping | A data type for the storage and lookup of arbitrary entity to entity mappings |
CExtendedSSSR | Implements the perception of the Extended Smallest Set of Smallest Rings (ESSSR) of a molecular graph |
CFragment | Fragment |
►CFragmentGenerator | FragmentGenerator |
CExcludePattern | |
CFragmentationRule | |
CFragmentLink | |
CFragmentList | A data type for the storage of Chem::Fragment objects |
CGenericHydrogen13ShiftTautomerization | GenericHydrogen13ShiftTautomerizationRule |
CGenericHydrogen15ShiftTautomerization | GenericHydrogen15ShiftTautomerizationRule |
►CHashCodeCalculator | HashCodeCalculator |
CDefAtomHashSeedFunctor | The default functor for the generation of atom hash seeds |
CDefBondHashSeedFunctor | The default functor for the generation of bond hash seeds |
CHydrogen3DCoordinatesCalculator | Hydrogen3DCoordinatesCalculator |
CImineEnamineTautomerization | ImineEnamineTautomerizationRule |
CINCHIMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) [INCHI] format |
CINCHIMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) [INCHI] format |
CJMEMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the native I/O format of the JME Molecular Editor [JME] java applet |
CJMEMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the native I/O format of the JME Molecular Editor [JME] java applet |
CJMEReactionReader | A reader for reaction data in the native I/O format of the JME Molecular Editor [JME] java applet |
CJMEReactionWriter | A writer for reaction data in the native I/O format of the JME Molecular Editor [JME] java applet |
CKekuleStructureCalculator | KekuleStructureCalculator |
CKeteneYnolTautomerization | KeteneYnolTautomerizationRule |
CKetoEnolTautomerization | KetoEnolTautomerizationRule |
CLactamLactimTautomerization | LactamLactimTautomerizationRule |
CMatchConstraint | MatchConstraint |
CMatchConstraintList | MatchConstraintList |
CMatchExpression | A generic boolean expression interface for the implementation of query/target object equivalence tests in molecular graph matching algorithms |
CMatchExpression< ObjType, void > | A generic boolean expression interface for the implementation of query/target object equivalence tests in molecular graph matching algorithms |
CMatchExpressionList | A container for the storage and evaluation of logical match expression lists |
CMaxCommonAtomSubstructureSearch | MaxCommonAtomSubstructureSearch |
CMaxCommonBondSubstructureSearch | MaxCommonBondSubstructureSearch |
CMOL2MolecularGraphWriter | |
CMOL2MoleculeReader | |
CMolecularGraph | MolecularGraph |
CMolecularGraphComponentGroupingMatchExpression | MolecularGraphComponentGroupingMatchExpression |
CMolecule | Molecule |
CMOLMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the MDL Mol-File [CTFILE] format |
CMOLMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the MDL Mol-File [CTFILE] format |
CMorganNumberingCalculator | MorganNumberingCalculator |
CMultiConfMoleculeInputProcessor | MultiConfMoleculeInputProcessor |
CMultiSubstructureSearch | MultiSubstructureSearch |
CNitroAciTautomerization | NitroAciTautomerizationRule |
CNitrosoOximeTautomerization | NitrosoOximeTautomerizationRule |
CNOTMatchExpression | NOTMatchExpression |
CNOTMatchExpression< ObjType, void > | NOTMatchExpression |
CORMatchExpressionList | ORMatchExpressionList |
CORMatchExpressionList< ObjType, void > | ORMatchExpressionList |
►CPatternAtomTyper | PatternAtomTyper |
CPattern | |
►CPatternBasedTautomerizationRule | PatternBasedTautomerizationRule |
CBondOrderChange | |
CPhosphinicAcidTautomerization | PhosphinicAcidTautomerizationRule |
CPiElectronSystemList | Implements the perception of all pi electron systems present in a molecule |
CPropertyMatchExpression | PropertyMatchExpression |
CPropertyMatchExpression< ValueType, MatchFunc, ObjType, void > | PropertyMatchExpression |
CProtonationStateStandardizer | Sets the protation state of molecules according to desired objectives |
CRDFReactionReader | A reader for reaction data in the MDL RD-File [CTFILE] format |
CRDFReactionWriter | A writer for reaction data in the MDL RD-File [CTFILE] format |
CReaction | Reaction |
CReactionAtomMappingMatchExpression | ReactionAtomMappingMatchExpression |
CReactionComponentGroupingMatchExpression | ReactionComponentGroupingMatchExpression |
CReactionSubstructureSearch | ReactionSubstructureSearch |
CReactor | Reactor |
CRECAPFragmentGenerator | RECAPFragmentGenerator |
►CResonanceStructureGenerator | ResonanceStructureGenerator |
CStructureData | |
CRXNReactionReader | A reader for reaction data in the MDL Rxn-File [CTFILE] format |
CRXNReactionWriter | A writer for reaction data in the MDL Rxn-File [CTFILE] format |
CSDFMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the MDL Mol-File [CTFILE] format |
CSDFMoleculeReader | A Reader for molecule data in the MDL SD-File [CTFILE] format |
CSmallestSetOfSmallestRings | Implements the perception of the Smallest Set of Smallest Rings (SSSR) of a molecular graphs |
CSMARTSMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the Daylight SMARTS [SMARTS] format |
CSMARTSMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the Daylight SMARTS [SMARTS] format |
CSMARTSReactionReader | A reader for reaction data in the Daylight SMARTS [SMARTS] format |
CSMARTSReactionWriter | A writer for reaction data in the Daylight SMARTS [SMARTS] format |
CSMILESMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format |
CSMILESMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format |
CSMILESReactionReader | A reader for reaction data in the Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format |
CSMILESReactionWriter | A writer for reaction data in the Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format |
CSpatialEntityAlignment | SpatialEntityAlignment |
CStereoDescriptor | A data structure for the storage and retrieval of stereochemical information about atoms and bonds |
CStereoisomerGenerator | StereoisomerGenerator |
CStringDataBlockEntry | Represents a data item in the structure or reaction data block of a MDL SD- or RD-File data record (see [CTFILE]) |
CStringDataBlock | An array of Chem::StringDataBlockEntry objects used to store the structure or reaction data block of a STRING SD- or RD-File data record (see [CTFILE]) |
►CSubstructureHistogramCalculator | SubstructureHistogramCalculator |
CPattern | |
CSubstructureSearch | SubstructureSearch |
CSulfenicAcidTautomerization | SulfenicAcidTautomerizationRule |
CSurfaceAtomExtractor | SurfaceAtomExtractor |
CSymmetryClassCalculator | SymmetryClassCalculator |
CTautomerGenerator | TautomerGenerator |
CTautomerizationRule | TautomerizationRule |
CTautomerScore | TautomerScore |
CTopologicalEntityAlignment | TopologicalEntityAlignment |
CXYZMolecularGraphWriter | |
CXYZMoleculeReader | |
►NConfGen | Contains classes and functions related to conformer ensemble generation |
CCanonicalFragment | CanonicalFragment |
CCFLMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CConformerData | |
CConformerGenerator | |
CConformerGeneratorSettings | |
CDGConstraintGenerator | |
CDGConstraintGeneratorSettings | |
CDGStructureGenerator | |
CDGStructureGeneratorSettings | |
CFragmentAssembler | |
CFragmentAssemblerSettings | |
CFragmentConformerGenerator | |
►CFragmentConformerGeneratorSettings | |
CFragmentSettings | |
CFragmentLibrary | |
CFragmentLibraryEntry | FragmentLibraryEntry |
CFragmentLibraryGenerator | FragmentLibraryGenerator |
CRMSDConformerSelector | |
CStructureGenerator | |
CStructureGeneratorSettings | |
CTorsionCategory | |
CTorsionDriver | |
CTorsionDriverSettings | |
CTorsionLibrary | |
►CTorsionRule | |
CAngleEntry | |
CTorsionRuleMatch | |
CTorsionRuleMatcher | |
►NDescr | Contains classes and functions related to the generation and processing of pharmacophore and molecule descriptors |
CAtomAutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator | AtomAutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator |
CAtomRDFCodeCalculator | AtomRDFCodeCalculator |
CAutoCorrelation2DVectorCalculator | AutoCorrelation2DVectorCalculator |
CAutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator | AutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator |
CBCUTDescriptorCalculator | BCUTDescriptorCalculator |
CBurdenMatrixGenerator | BurdenMatrixGenerator |
►CCircularFingerprintGenerator | CircularFingerprintGenerator |
CDefAtomIdentifierFunctor | The functor for the generation of ECFP atom identifiers |
CDefBondIdentifierFunctor | The default functor for the generation of bond identifiers |
CFeatureAutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator | FeatureAutoCorrelation3DVectorCalculator |
CFeatureRDFCodeCalculator | FeatureRDFCodeCalculator |
CMACCSFingerprintGenerator | Generation of 166 bit MACCS key fingerprints |
CMolecularComplexityCalculator | MolecularComplexityCalculator |
CMoleculeAutoCorr2DDescriptorCalculator | MoleculeAutoCorr2DDescriptorCalculator |
CMoleculeAutoCorr3DDescriptorCalculator | MoleculeAutoCorr3DDescriptorCalculator |
CMoleculeRDFDescriptorCalculator | MoleculeRDFDescriptorCalculator |
CNPoint2DPharmacophoreFingerprintGenerator | NPoint2DPharmacophoreFingerprintGenerator |
CNPoint3DPharmacophoreFingerprintGenerator | NPoint3DPharmacophoreFingerprintGenerator |
CNPointPharmacophoreFingerprintGenerator | NPointPharmacophoreFingerprintGenerator |
►CPathFingerprintGenerator | PathFingerprintGenerator |
CDefAtomDescriptorFunctor | The default functor for the generation of atom descriptors |
CDefBondDescriptorFunctor | The default functor for the generation of bond descriptors |
CPharmacophoreAutoCorr3DDescriptorCalculator | PharmacophoreAutoCorr3DDescriptorCalculator |
CPharmacophoreRDFDescriptorCalculator | PharmacophoreRDFDescriptorCalculator |
CPubChemFingerprintGenerator | Generation of 881 bit PubChem fingerprints |
CRDFCodeCalculator | RDFCodeCalculator |
►NForceField | Contains classes and functions related to molecular force fields |
CElasticPotential | |
CError | |
CParameterizationFailed | |
CGradientVectorTraits | |
CGradientVectorTraits< Math::VectorArray< V > > | |
CGradientVectorTraits< std::vector< V > > | |
CMMFF94AngleBendingInteraction | |
CMMFF94AngleBendingInteractionParameterizer | |
►CMMFF94AngleBendingParameterTable | |
CEntry | |
►CMMFF94AromaticAtomTypeDefinitionTable | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94AromaticSSSRSubset | Implements the extraction of all rings in the SSSR of a molecular graph that are aromatic according to MMFF94 conventions |
►CMMFF94AtomTypePropertyTable | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94AtomTyper | |
►CMMFF94BondChargeIncrementTable | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94BondStretchingInteraction | |
CMMFF94BondStretchingInteractionParameterizer | |
►CMMFF94BondStretchingParameterTable | |
CEntry | |
►CMMFF94BondStretchingRuleParameterTable | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94BondTyper | |
CMMFF94ChargeCalculator | |
►CMMFF94DefaultStretchBendParameterTable | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94ElectrostaticInteraction | |
CMMFF94ElectrostaticInteractionParameterizer | |
CMMFF94EnergyCalculator | |
►CMMFF94FormalAtomChargeDefinitionTable | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94GradientCalculator | |
CMMFF94HeavyToHydrogenAtomTypeMap | |
CMMFF94InteractionData | |
CMMFF94InteractionParameterizer | |
CMMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingInteraction | |
CMMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingInteractionParameterizer | |
►CMMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingParameterTable | |
CEntry | |
►CMMFF94PartialBondChargeIncrementTable | |
CEntry | |
►CMMFF94PrimaryToParameterAtomTypeMap | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94StretchBendInteraction | |
CMMFF94StretchBendInteractionParameterizer | |
►CMMFF94StretchBendParameterTable | |
CEntry | |
►CMMFF94SymbolicAtomTypePatternTable | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94SymbolicToNumericAtomTypeMap | |
CMMFF94TorsionInteraction | |
CMMFF94TorsionInteractionParameterizer | |
►CMMFF94TorsionParameterTable | |
CEntry | |
CMMFF94VanDerWaalsInteraction | |
CMMFF94VanDerWaalsInteractionParameterizer | |
►CMMFF94VanDerWaalsParameterTable | |
CEntry | |
►CUFFAtomTypePropertyTable | |
CEntry | |
►NGRAIL | Contains classes and functions related to the GRAIL method [GRAIL] |
CAtomDensityGridCalculator | AtomDensityGridCalculator |
CBindingAffinityCalculator | BindingAffinityCalculator |
CBuriednessGridCalculator | BuriednessGridCalculator |
CBuriednessScore | BuriednessScore |
►CFeatureInteractionScoreGridCalculator | FeatureInteractionScoreGridCalculator |
CMaxScoreFunctor | |
CScoreSumFunctor | |
CGeneralizedBellAtomDensity | GeneralizedBellAtomDensity |
CGRAILDataSetGenerator | GRAILDataSetGenerator |
CGRAILDescriptorCalculator | GRAILDescriptorCalculator |
CGRAILXDescriptorCalculator | GRAILXDescriptorCalculator |
►NGrid | Contains classes and functions related to grid based data representation and processing |
CRegularGrid | RegularGrid |
CRegularGridSet | RegularGridSet |
CAttributedGrid | AttributedGrid |
CCDFDRegularGridReader | A reader for spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CCDFDRegularGridSetReader | A reader for spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CCDFDRegularGridSetWriter | A writer for spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CCDFDRegularGridWriter | A writer for spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CSpatialGrid | SpatialGrid |
►NMath | Contains classes and functions related to mathematics |
CMatrixReference | |
CVector | |
CMatrix | |
CRotationMatrix | |
CScalingMatrix | |
CTranslationMatrix | |
CBFGSMinimizer | Fletcher's implementation of the BFGS method |
CCommonType | |
CDirectAssignmentProxy | |
CExpression | |
CVectorExpression | |
CMatrixExpression | |
CQuaternionExpression | |
CGridExpression | |
CVectorContainer | |
CMatrixContainer | |
CQuaternionContainer | |
CGridContainer | |
CScalarBinaryAssignmentFunctor | |
CScalarAssignment | |
CScalarAdditionAssignment | |
CScalarSubtractionAssignment | |
CScalarMultiplicationAssignment | |
CScalarDivisionAssignment | |
CScalarUnaryFunctor | |
CScalarNegation | |
CScalarConjugation | |
CScalarRealUnaryFunctor | |
CScalarReal | |
CScalarImaginary | |
CScalarBinaryFunctor | |
CScalarAddition | |
CScalarSubtraction | |
CScalarMultiplication | |
CScalarDivision | |
CVectorScalarBinaryFunctor | |
CVectorInnerProduct | |
CVectorAngleCosine | |
CVectorBooleanBinaryFunctor | |
CVectorEquality | |
CScalar3VectorBooleanTernaryFunctor | |
CVectorToleranceEquality | |
CVectorBinaryFunctor | |
CVectorCrossProduct | |
CVectorScalarUnaryFunctor | |
CVectorElementSum | |
CVectorScalarRealUnaryFunctor | |
CVectorNorm1 | |
CVectorNorm2 | |
CVectorNormInfinity | |
CVectorScalarIndexUnaryFunctor | |
CVectorNormInfinityIndex | |
CMatrixBooleanBinaryFunctor | |
CMatrixEquality | |
CScalar3MatrixBooleanTernaryFunctor | |
CMatrixToleranceEquality | |
CMatrixScalarUnaryFunctor | |
CMatrixElementSum | |
CMatrixTrace | |
CMatrixScalarRealUnaryFunctor | |
CMatrixNorm1 | |
CMatrixNormFrobenius | |
CMatrixNormInfinity | |
CVectorMatrixUnaryFunctor | |
CDiagonalMatrixFromVector | |
CCrossProductMatrixFromVector | |
CMatrixVectorBinaryFunctor | |
CMatrixVectorProduct | |
CVectorMatrixProduct | |
CMatrixBinaryFunctor | |
CMatrixProduct | |
CQuaternionBooleanBinaryFunctor | |
CQuaternionEquality | |
CScalar3QuaternionBooleanTernaryFunctor | |
CQuaternionToleranceEquality | |
CQuaternionScalarUnaryFunctor | |
CQuaternionElementSum | |
CQuaternionScalarRealUnaryFunctor | |
CQuaternionNorm | |
CQuaternionNorm2 | |
CQuaternionUnaryFunctor | |
CQuaternionUnreal | |
CQuaternionConjugate | |
CScalar1QuaternionBinaryFunctor | |
CScalar1QuaternionAddition | |
CScalar1QuaternionSubtraction | |
CScalar2QuaternionBinaryFunctor | |
CScalar2QuaternionAddition | |
CScalar2QuaternionSubtraction | |
CQuaternionInverse | |
CQuaternionBinaryFunctor | |
CQuaternionProduct | |
CScalar3QuaternionTernaryFunctor | |
CQuaternionDivision | |
CScalar13QuaternionTernaryFunctor | |
CScalarQuaternionDivision | |
CQuaternionVectorBinaryFunctor | |
CQuaternionVectorRotation | |
CGridBooleanBinaryFunctor | |
CGridEquality | |
CScalar3GridBooleanTernaryFunctor | |
CGridToleranceEquality | |
CGridScalarUnaryFunctor | |
CGridElementSum | |
CGridReference | |
CGrid | |
CZeroGrid | |
CScalarGrid | |
CGridTemporaryTraits< GridReference< G > > | |
CGridTemporaryTraits< const GridReference< G > > | |
CGridUnary | |
CGridUnaryTraits | |
CGridBinary1 | |
CGridBinary1Traits | |
CScalar1GridBinary | |
CScalar1GridBinaryTraits | |
CScalar2GridBinary | |
CScalar2GridBinaryTraits | |
CKabschAlgorithm | Implementation of the Kabsch algorithm [KABA] |
CInitListMatrix | |
CSparseMatrix | |
CBoundedVector | |
CBoundedMatrix | |
CCMatrix | |
CZeroMatrix | |
CScalarMatrix | |
CIdentityMatrix | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< MatrixReference< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const MatrixReference< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< MatrixReference< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< const MatrixReference< M > > | |
CRange | |
CLower | |
CUnitLower | |
CUpper | |
CUnitUpper | |
CTriangularAdapter | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< TriangularAdapter< M, Tri > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const TriangularAdapter< M, Tri > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< TriangularAdapter< M, Tri > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< const TriangularAdapter< M, Tri > > | |
CMatrixUnary | |
CMatrixUnaryTraits | |
CVectorMatrixUnary | |
CVectorMatrixUnaryTraits | |
CMatrixBinary1 | |
CMatrixBinary1Traits | |
CMatrixBinary2 | |
CMatrixBinary2Traits | |
CVectorMatrixBinary | |
CVectorMatrixBinaryTraits | |
CMatrix1VectorBinary | |
CMatrix1VectorBinaryTraits | |
CMatrix2VectorBinary | |
CMatrix2VectorBinaryTraits | |
CScalar1MatrixBinary | |
CScalar1MatrixBinaryTraits | |
CScalar2MatrixBinary | |
CScalar2MatrixBinaryTraits | |
CMatrixTranspose | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< MatrixTranspose< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const MatrixTranspose< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< MatrixTranspose< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< const MatrixTranspose< M > > | |
CMatrixRow | |
CMatrixColumn | |
CMatrixRange | |
CMatrixSlice | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< MatrixRow< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const MatrixRow< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< MatrixRow< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< const MatrixRow< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< MatrixColumn< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const MatrixColumn< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< MatrixColumn< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< const MatrixColumn< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< MatrixRange< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const MatrixRange< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< MatrixRange< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< const MatrixRange< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< MatrixSlice< M > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const MatrixSlice< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< MatrixSlice< M > > | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits< const MatrixSlice< M > > | |
CMinimizerVariableArrayTraits | |
CMinimizerVariableArrayTraits< VectorArray< V > > | |
CMinimizerVariableArrayTraits< std::vector< V > > | |
CMLRModel | Performs Multiple Linear Regression [WLIREG] on a set of data points \( (y_i, \vec{X}_i) \) |
CQuaternionReference | |
CQuaternion | |
CRealQuaternion | |
CQuaternionTemporaryTraits< const QuaternionReference< Q > > | |
CQuaternionTemporaryTraits< QuaternionReference< Q > > | |
CQuaternionVectorAdapter | |
CCVector | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< QuaternionVectorAdapter< Q > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const QuaternionVectorAdapter< Q > > | |
CQuaternionUnary1 | |
CQuaternionUnary1Traits | |
CQuaternionUnary2 | |
CQuaternionUnary2Traits | |
CQuaternionBinary1 | |
CQuaternionBinary1Traits | |
CQuaternionBinary2 | |
CQuaternionBinary2Traits | |
CScalar1QuaternionBinary1 | |
CScalar1QuaternionBinary1Traits | |
CScalar1QuaternionBinary2 | |
CScalar1QuaternionBinary2Traits | |
CScalar2QuaternionBinary1 | |
CScalar2QuaternionBinary1Traits | |
CScalar2QuaternionBinary2 | |
CScalar2QuaternionBinary2Traits | |
CScalar3QuaternionTernary | |
CScalar3QuaternionTernaryTraits | |
CScalar13QuaternionTernary | |
CScalar13QuaternionTernaryTraits | |
CGridCoordinatesMatrixTransformTraits | |
CGridCoordinatesTransformTraits | |
CGridCoordinatesTransformTraits< CMatrix< T, 4, 4 > > | |
CGridCoordinatesTransformTraits< BoundedMatrix< T, 4, 4 > > | |
CRegularSpatialGrid | |
CSlice | |
CSparseContainerElement | |
CTypeTraits< SparseContainerElement< C > > | |
CScalarAbsImpl | |
CScalarAbsImpl< false > | |
CScalarTraits | |
CTypeTraits | |
CComplexTraits | |
CTypeTraits< std::complex< T > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits | |
CMatrixTemporaryTraits | |
CQuaternionTemporaryTraits | |
CGridTemporaryTraits | |
CIsScalar | |
CIsScalar< std::complex< T > > | |
CVectorReference | |
CInitListVector | |
CSparseVector | |
CZeroVector | |
CUnitVector | |
CScalarVector | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const VectorReference< V > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< VectorReference< V > > | |
CHomogenousCoordsAdapter | |
CVectorQuaternionAdapter | |
CQuaternionTemporaryTraits< VectorQuaternionAdapter< V > > | |
CQuaternionTemporaryTraits< const VectorQuaternionAdapter< V > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< HomogenousCoordsAdapter< V > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const HomogenousCoordsAdapter< V > > | |
CVectorArray | An array for storing generic vector objects |
CVectorArrayAlignmentCalculator | |
CVectorUnary | |
CVectorUnaryTraits | |
CVectorBinary1 | |
CVectorBinary1Traits | |
CVectorBinary2 | |
CVectorBinary2Traits | |
CScalar1VectorBinary | |
CScalar1VectorBinaryTraits | |
CScalar2VectorBinary | |
CScalar2VectorBinaryTraits | |
CQuaternionVectorBinary | |
CQuaternionVectorBinaryTraits | |
CVectorElementAccessor | |
CVectorElementAccessor< const E > | |
CVectorIteratorTraits | |
CVectorIteratorTraits< const E > | |
CVectorRange | |
CVectorSlice | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< VectorRange< V > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const VectorRange< V > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< VectorSlice< V > > | |
CVectorTemporaryTraits< const VectorSlice< V > > | |
►NMolProp | Contains classes and functions related to the calculation/preciction of physicochemical molecular properties |
CAtomHydrophobicityCalculator | Implements Greene's algorithm [CATA] for the calculation of atom hydrophobicities |
CElementHistogram | A data type for the storage of element histograms of chemical compounds |
CHBondAcceptorAtomTyper | |
CHBondDonorAtomTyper | |
CLogSCalculator | LogSCalculator |
CMassComposition | A data type for the storage of mass percent compositions of chemical compounds |
CMHMOPiChargeCalculator | MHMOPiChargeCalculator |
CPEOESigmaChargeCalculator | PEOESigmaChargeCalculator |
CTPSACalculator | TPSACalculator |
CXLogPCalculator | XLogPCalculator |
►NPharm | Contains classes and functions related to pharmacophore perception and pharmacophore applications |
CAromaticFeatureGenerator | AromaticFeatureGenerator |
CBasicFeature | BasicFeature |
CBasicPharmacophore | BasicPharmacophore |
CCationPiInteractionConstraint | CationPiInteractionConstraint |
CCationPiInteractionScore | CationPiInteractionScore |
CCDFFeatureContainerWriter | A writer for feature container data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CCDFPharmacophoreReader | A reader for pharmacophore data in the native I/O format of the CDPL |
CDefaultInteractionAnalyzer | DefaultInteractionAnalyzer |
CDefaultPharmacophoreGenerator | DefaultPharmacophoreGenerator |
CFeature | Feature |
CFeatureContainer | FeatureContainer |
CFeatureDistanceConstraint | FeatureDistanceConstraint |
CFeatureDistanceScore | FeatureDistanceScore |
CFeatureGenerator | FeatureGenerator |
CFeatureGeometryMatchFunctor | FeatureGeometryMatchFunctor |
CFeatureInteractionScore | FeatureInteractionScore |
CFeatureInteractionScoreCombiner | FeatureInteractionScoreCombiner |
CFeatureMapping | A data type for the storage and lookup of arbitrary feature to feature mappings |
CFeaturePairDistanceMatchFunctor | FeaturePairDistanceMatchFunctor |
CFeaturePositionMatchFunctor | FeaturePositionMatchFunctor |
CFeatureSet | FeatureSet |
CFeatureTypeHistogram | A data type for the storage of feature type histograms of pharmacophores |
CFeatureTypeMatchFunctor | FeatureTypeMatchFunctor |
CFileScreeningHitCollector | FileScreeningHitCollector |
CHBondAcceptorFeatureGenerator | HBondAcceptorFeatureGenerator |
CHBondDonorFeatureGenerator | HBondDonorFeatureGenerator |
CHBondingInteractionConstraint | HBondingInteractionConstraint |
CHBondingInteractionScore | HBondingInteractionScore |
CHydrophobicAtomFeatureGenerator | HydrophobicAtomFeatureGenerator |
CHydrophobicFeatureGenerator | HydrophobicFeatureGenerator |
CHydrophobicInteractionConstraint | HydrophobicInteractionConstraint |
CHydrophobicInteractionScore | HydrophobicInteractionScore |
CInteractionAnalyzer | InteractionAnalyzer |
CInteractionConstraintConnector | InteractionConstraintConnector |
CInteractionPharmacophoreGenerator | InteractionPharmacophoreGenerator |
CIonicInteractionConstraint | IonicInteractionConstraint |
CIonicInteractionScore | IonicInteractionScore |
CNegIonizableFeatureGenerator | NegIonizableFeatureGenerator |
COrthogonalPiPiInteractionConstraint | OrthogonalPiPiInteractionConstraint |
COrthogonalPiPiInteractionScore | OrthogonalPiPiInteractionScore |
CParallelPiPiInteractionConstraint | ParallelPiPiInteractionConstraint |
CParallelPiPiInteractionScore | ParallelPiPiInteractionScore |
CPatternBasedFeatureGenerator | PatternBasedFeatureGenerator |
CPharmacophore | Pharmacophore |
CPharmacophoreAlignment | PharmacophoreAlignment |
CPharmacophoreFitScore | PharmacophoreFitScore |
CPharmacophoreFitScreeningScore | PharmacophoreFitScreeningScore |
CPharmacophoreGenerator | PharmacophoreGenerator |
CPMLFeatureContainerWriter | A writer for feature container data in the native I/O format of LigandScout |
CPMLPharmacophoreReader | A reader for pharmacophore data in the native I/O format of LigandScout |
CPosIonizableFeatureGenerator | PosIonizableFeatureGenerator |
CPSDMolecularGraphOutputHandler | A handler for the output of molecular graph dara in the PSD-format of the CDPL |
CPSDMolecularGraphWriter | A writer for molecular graph data in the PSD-format of the CDPL |
CPSDMoleculeInputHandler | A handler for the input of molecule data in the PSD-format of the CDPL |
CPSDMoleculeReader | A reader for molecule data in the PSD-format of the CDPL |
CPSDPharmacophoreInputHandler | A handler for the input of pharmacophore data in the PSD-format of the CDPL |
CPSDPharmacophoreReader | A reader for pharmacophore data in the PSD-format of the CDPL |
CPSDScreeningDBAccessor | A class for accessing pharmacophore screening databases in the built-in optimized format |
CPSDScreeningDBCreator | A class for the creation of optimized pharmacophore screening databases |
CScreeningDBAccessor | A class for accessing the data stored in pharmacophore screening databases |
CScreeningDBCreator | A class for the creation of optimized pharmacophore screening databases |
►CScreeningProcessor | ScreeningProcessor |
CSearchHit | |
CSpatialFeatureMapping | SpatialFeatureMapping |
CXBondAcceptorFeatureGenerator | XBondAcceptorFeatureGenerator |
CXBondDonorFeatureGenerator | XBondDonorFeatureGenerator |
CXBondingInteractionConstraint | XBondingInteractionConstraint |
CXBondingInteractionScore | XBondingInteractionScore |
►NShape | Contains classes and functions related to molecular shape representation and processing |
CAlignmentResult | |
CExactGaussianShapeOverlapFunction | |
CFastGaussianShapeAlignment | |
CFastGaussianShapeOverlapFunction | |
►CGaussianShape | A data type for the descripton of arbitrary shapes composed of spheres approximated by gaussian functions |
CElement | |
CGaussianShapeAlignment | |
CGaussianShapeAlignmentStartGenerator | |
CGaussianShapeFunction | |
►CGaussianShapeFunctionAlignment | |
CResult | |
CGaussianShapeGenerator | |
CGaussianShapeOverlapFunction | |
CGaussianShapeSet | |
CPrincipalAxesAlignmentStartGenerator | |
CTotalOverlapTanimotoScore | |
CShapeTanimotoScore | |
CColorTanimotoScore | |
CTanimotoComboScore | |
CTotalOverlapTverskyScore | |
CShapeTverskyScore | |
CColorTverskyScore | |
CTverskyComboScore | |
CReferenceTotalOverlapTverskyScore | |
CReferenceShapeTverskyScore | |
CReferenceColorTverskyScore | |
CReferenceTverskyComboScore | |
CAlignedTotalOverlapTverskyScore | |
CAlignedShapeTverskyScore | |
CAlignedColorTverskyScore | |
CAlignedTverskyComboScore | |
CScreeningProcessor | |
CScreeningSettings | |
►NUtil | Contains general purpose algorithms, containers, functors and other classes |
CArray | A dynamic array class providing amortized constant time access to arbitrary elements |
CBronKerboschAlgorithm | Implementation of the Bron-Kerbosch clique-detection algorithm [BKA] |
CCompoundDataReader | CompoundDataReader |
CCompressedDataReader | CompressedDataReader |
CCompressedDataWriter | CompressedDataWriter |
CCompressionAlgoTraits | |
CCompressionAlgoTraits< GZIP > | |
CCompressionAlgoTraits< BZIP2 > | |
CCompressionStreamBase | |
CDecompressionIStream | |
CCompressionOStream | |
CCompressedIOStream | |
CDefaultDataInputHandler | DefaultDataInputHandler |
CDefaultDataOutputHandler | DefaultDataOutputHandler |
CDereferencer | An unary functor for the dereferenciation of pointers without null pointer checking |
CNullCheckDereferencer | An unary functor for the dereferenciation of pointers with null pointer checking |
►CDGCoordinatesGeneratorBase | Base for classes dedicated to the generation of coordinates that fulfill user-provided point distance (and volume) constraints [ASPE] |
CDistanceConstraint | |
CDGCoordinatesGenerator | Generic implementation for generation of coordinates that fulfill user-provided point distance constraints [ASPE] |
►CDGCoordinatesGenerator< 3, T > | Specialized implementation for the generation of 3D coordinates that fulfill user-provided point distance and volume constraints [ASPE] |
CVolumeConstraint | |
CFileDataReader | FileDataReader |
CFileDataWriter | FileDataWriter |
CFileRemover | |
CIndexedElementIterator | A STL compatible random access iterator for container elements accessible by index |
CIndirectArray | A dynamic array class for the storage of object pointers with an indirected query interface |
CMapDefaultValue | |
CMapDefaultValue< ValueType, false > | |
CMap | A unique sorted associative container that maps keys to values |
CMultiFormatDataReader | MultiFormatDataReader |
CMultiFormatDataWriter | MultiFormatDataWriter |
CMultiMapDefaultValue | |
CMultiMapDefaultValue< ValueType, false > | |
CMultiMap | A multiple sorted associative container that maps keys to values |
►CObjectPool | A data structure that caches instances of type T up to a user specified amount |
CDefaultConstructor | |
CDefaultDestructor | |
►CObjectStack | ObjectStack |
CDefaultConstructor | |
CPropertyValue | An unary functor that retrieves the value of a given property from the Base::PropertyContainer instance provided as argument |
CPropertyValueProduct | A binary functor that calculates the product of two property values retrieved from a pair of Base::PropertyContainer instances passed as argument |
CStreamDataReader | A helper class that implements Base::DataReader for std::istream based data readers |
►NVis | Contains classes and functions related to data visualization |
CBrush | Specifies the fill pattern and fill color of shapes |
CCairoFontMetrics | Implements the FontMetrics interface for the Cairo rendering backend |
CCairoPointerTraits | |
CCairoPointerTraits< cairo_t > | Specialization of CairoPointerTraits for the object type cairo_t |
CCairoPointerTraits< cairo_surface_t > | Specialization of CairoPointerTraits for the object type cairo_surface_t |
CCairoPointerTraits< cairo_pattern_t > | Specialization of CairoPointerTraits for the object type cairo_pattern_t |
CCairoPointer | A smart pointer managing the lifetime of allocated Cairo data structures |
CCairoRenderer2D | Implements the Renderer2D interface on top of the Cairo 2D Graphics Library |
CClipPathPrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a clipping region in 2D space |
CColor | Specifies a color in terms of its red, green and blue components and an alpha-channel for transparency |
CColorTable | A container for the storage and lookup of Vis::Color objects that are associated with a numeric identifier |
CEllipsePrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a ellipse |
CFont | Specifies a font for drawing text |
CFontMetrics | An interface class with methods that provide information about the metrics of a font |
CGraphicsPrimitive2D | The abstract base class of all 2D graphics primitives |
CImageWriter | |
CLine2D | Specifies a line segment in 2D space |
CLinePrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a single line |
CLineSegmentListPrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a list of disjoint line segments |
CPath2D | Provides a container for painting operations, enabling arbitrary graphical shapes to be constructed and reused |
CPath2DConverter | Provides an interface for classes that implement the conversion of Vis::Path2D objects into rendering backend specific path descriptions or drawing operations |
CPathPrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing an arbitrary path in 2D space |
CPDFMolecularGraphWriter | Creates 2D structure diagrams of molecular graphs in the Portable Document Format (PDF) [WPDF] |
CPDFReactionWriter | Creates 2D depictions of chemical reactions in the Portable Document Format (PDF) [WPDF] |
CPen | Specifies how to draw lines and outlines of shapes |
CPNGMolecularGraphWriter | Creates 2D structure diagrams of molecular graphs in the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) [WPNG] format |
CPNGReactionWriter | Creates 2D depictions of chemical reactions in the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) [WPNG] format |
CPointArray2D | Stores a set of points in 2D space |
CPointListPrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a list of points |
CPolygonPrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a polygon |
CPolylinePrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a set of connected line segments |
CPSMolecularGraphWriter | Creates 2D structure diagrams of molecular graphs in the PostScript (PS) [WPS] format |
CPSReactionWriter | Creates 2D depictions of chemical reactions in the PostScript (PS) [WPS] format |
CQtFontMetrics | Implements the FontMetrics interface for the Qt rendering backend |
CQtObjectFactory | Provides methods for the creation of QFont , QColor , QPen and QBrush objects from Font, Color, Pen and Brush instances |
CQtRenderer2D | Implements the Renderer2D interface on top of the Qt Toolkit |
CReactionView2D | Implements the 2D visualization of chemical reactions |
CRectangle2D | Specifies an axis aligned rectangular area in 2D space |
CRenderer2D | An interface that provides methods for low level 2D drawing operations |
CSizeSpecification | Specifies the value and type of a size attribute and defines how the value may change during processing steps |
►CStructureGridView2D | Implements the 2D visualization of multiple chemical structures arranged in a grid |
CCell | Data structure storing the contents of a grid cell |
CStructureView2D | Implements the 2D visualization of chemical structures |
CSVGMolecularGraphWriter | Creates 2D structure diagrams of molecular graphs in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) [WSVG] format |
CSVGReactionWriter | Creates 2D depictions of chemical reactions in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) [WSVG] format |
CTextBlockPrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a block of styled text |
CTextLabelPrimitive2D | A graphics primitive representing a text label |
CView2D | The abstract base of classes implementing the 2D visualization of data objects |