Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.2.2
Math Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for Math:


file  AffineTransform.hpp [code]
 Matrix types for various affine transformations.
file  Math/APIPrefix.hpp [code]
 Definition of the preprocessor macro CDPL_MATH_API.
file  BFGSMinimizer.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the BFGS optimization algorithm.
file  Check.hpp [code]
 Definition of various preprocessor macros for error checking.
file  CommonType.hpp [code]
 Common type deduction.
file  DirectAssignmentProxy.hpp [code]
 Definition of a proxy type for direct assignment of vector and matrix expressions.
file  Expression.hpp [code]
 Definition of basic expression types.
file  Functional.hpp [code]
 Definition of various functors.
file  Math/Grid.hpp [code]
 Definition of grid data types.
file  GridAssignment.hpp [code]
 Implementation of grid assignment routines.
file  GridExpression.hpp [code]
 Definition of various grid expression types and operations.
file  IO.hpp [code]
 Stream output operators.
file  JacobiDiagonalization.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the Jacobi method for the calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
file  KabschAlgorithm.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the Kabsch algorithm.
file  LinearSolve.hpp [code]
 Functions for solving linear equations.
file  LUDecomposition.hpp [code]
 Implementation of matrix LU-decomposition and associated operations.
file  Matrix.hpp [code]
 Definition of matrix data types.
file  MatrixAdapter.hpp [code]
 Provides matrix adapter classes.
file  MatrixAssignment.hpp [code]
 Implementation of matrix assignment routines.
file  MatrixExpression.hpp [code]
 Definition of various matrix expression types and operations.
file  MatrixProxy.hpp [code]
 Definition of matrix proxy types.
file  MinimizerVariableArrayTraits.hpp [code]
 Provides traits to flexibly handle different types of variable arrays in function optimization algorithms.
file  MLRModel.hpp [code]
 Definition of the class CDPL::Math::MLRModel.
file  Quaternion.hpp [code]
 Definition of quaternion data types.
file  QuaternionAdapter.hpp [code]
 Provides quaternion adapter classes.
file  QuaternionAssignment.hpp [code]
 Implementation of quaternion assignment routines.
file  QuaternionExpression.hpp [code]
 Definition of various quaternion expression types and operations.
file  Range.hpp [code]
 Definition of a data type for describing index ranges.
file  RegularSpatialGrid.hpp [code]
 Definition of a regular spatial grid data type.
file  Slice.hpp [code]
 Definition of a data type for describing index slices.
file  SparseContainerElement.hpp [code]
 Definition of an element proxy for sparse data types.
file  SpecialFunctions.hpp [code]
 Provides miscellaneous special mathematical functions.
file  SVBackSubstitution.hpp [code]
 Implementation of singular value backsubstitution.
file  SVDecomposition.hpp [code]
 Implementation of matrix singular value decomposition and associated operations.
file  TypeTraits.hpp [code]
 Definition of type traits.
file  Vector.hpp [code]
 Definition of vector data types.
file  VectorAdapter.hpp [code]
 Provides vector adapter classes.
file  VectorArray.hpp [code]
 Definition of the class CDPL::Math::VectorArray.
file  VectorArrayAlignmentCalculator.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the Kabsch algorithm.
file  VectorArrayFunctions.hpp [code]
 Definition of utility functions operating on CDPL::Math::VectorArray instances.
file  VectorAssignment.hpp [code]
 Implementation of vector assignment routines.
file  VectorExpression.hpp [code]
 Definition of various vector expression types and operations.
file  VectorIterator.hpp [code]
 Definition of vector element iterator traits and functions.
file  VectorProxy.hpp [code]
 Definition of vector proxy types.