Chemical Data Processing Library Python API - Version 1.2.2
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CDPL.Base.ControlParameterList Class Reference

A data structure for the storage and lookup of control-parameter values. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for CDPL.Base.ControlParameterList:

Public Member Functions

None __init__ ()
 Constructs an empty ControlParameterList instance.
None __init__ (ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
 Constructs a copy of the ControlParameterContainer instance cntnr. More...
ControlParameterList assign (ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
 Assignment operator. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CDPL.Base.ControlParameterContainer
None setParameter (LookupKey key, Any value)
bool removeParameter (LookupKey key)
 Removes the entry for the control-parameter specified by key. More...
Any getParameter (LookupKey key, bool throw_=False, bool local=False)
 Returns the value of the control-parameter specified by key. More...
Any getParameterOrDefault (LookupKey key, Any def_value, bool local=False)
bool isParameterSet (LookupKey key, bool local=False)
 Tells whether or not a value has been assigned to the control-parameter specified by key. More...
None clearParameters ()
 Erases all container entries. More...
None addParameters (ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
 Adds the control-parameter value entries in the ControlParameterContainer instance cntnr. More...
None copyParameters (ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
 Replaces the current set of properties by a copy of the entries in cntnr. More...
int getNumParameters ()
 Returns the number of container entries. More...
int registerParameterChangedCallback (VoidLookupKeyAnyFunctor func)
 Registers a callback target function that gets invoked when the value of a control-parameter has changed. More...
None unregisterParameterChangedCallback (int id)
 Unregisters the callback specified by id. More...
int registerParameterRemovedCallback (VoidLookupKeyFunctor func)
 Registers a callback target function that gets invoked when a control-parameter entry has been removed. More...
None unregisterParameterRemovedCallback (int id)
 Unregisters the callback specified by id. More...
int registerParentChangedCallback (VoidFunctor func)
 Registers a callback target function that gets invoked when the parent container has been changed or was detached. More...
None unregisterParentChangedCallback (int id)
 Unregisters the callback specified by id. More...
ControlParameterContainer getParent ()
 Returns a reference to the parent control-parameter container. More...
None setParent (ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
 Sets or removes the parent control-parameter container used to resolve requests for missing entries. More...
list getParameterKeys ()
list getParameterValues ()
list getParameters ()
 Returns a reference to itself. More...
int getObjectID ()
 Returns the numeric identifier (ID) of the wrapped C++ class instance. More...
Any __getitem__ (LookupKey key)
None __setitem__ (LookupKey key, Any value)
bool __delitem__ (LookupKey self)
bool __contains__ (LookupKey self, bool key)
 Returns the result of the membership test operation self in arg1. More...
int __len__ ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from CDPL.Base.ControlParameterContainer
 objectID = property(getObjectID)
 parent = property(getParent, setParent)
 parameterKeys = property(getParameterKeys)
 parameterValues = property(getParameterValues)
 parameters = property(getParameters)
 numParameters = property(getNumParameters)

Detailed Description

A data structure for the storage and lookup of control-parameter values.

See also
Base.ControlParameterContainer for a description of the available methods.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

None CDPL.Base.ControlParameterList.__init__ ( ControlParameterContainer  cntnr)

Constructs a copy of the ControlParameterContainer instance cntnr.

cntnrThe ControlParameterContainer instance to copy.
Only the control-parameter entries of cntnr are copied. Entries in the parent container of cntnr (if set) will be ignored (see setParent()).

Member Function Documentation

◆ assign()

ControlParameterList CDPL.Base.ControlParameterList.assign ( ControlParameterContainer  cntnr)

Assignment operator.

cntnrThe ControlParameterContainer instance to copy.