Chemical Data Processing Library Python API - Version 1.2.2
Classes | Functions
CDPL.Grid Package Reference

Contains classes and functions related to grid based data representation and processing. More...


class  AttributedGrid
 AttributedGrid. More...
class  AttributedGridProperty
 Provides keys for built-in Grid.AttributedGrid properties. More...
class  AttributedGridPropertyDefault
 Provides default values for built-in Grid.AttributedGrid properties. More...
class  CDFBZ2DRegularGridInputHandler
 A handler for the input of bzip2-compressed spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFBZ2DRegularGridOutputHandler
 A handler for the output of bzip2-compressed spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFBZ2DRegularGridReader
class  CDFBZ2DRegularGridSetInputHandler
 A handler for the input of bzip2-compressed spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFBZ2DRegularGridSetOutputHandler
 A handler for the output of bzip2-compressed spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFBZ2DRegularGridSetReader
class  CDFBZ2DRegularGridSetWriter
class  CDFBZ2DRegularGridWriter
class  CDFDRegularGridInputHandler
 A handler for the input of spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFDRegularGridOutputHandler
 A handler for the output of spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFDRegularGridReader
 A reader for spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFDRegularGridSetInputHandler
 A handler for the input of spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFDRegularGridSetOutputHandler
 A handler for the output of spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFDRegularGridSetReader
 A reader for spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFDRegularGridSetWriter
 A writer for spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFDRegularGridWriter
 A writer for spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFGZDRegularGridInputHandler
 A handler for the input of gzip-compressed spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFGZDRegularGridOutputHandler
 A handler for the output of gzip-compressed spatial regular grid data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFGZDRegularGridReader
class  CDFGZDRegularGridSetInputHandler
 A handler for the input of gzip-compressed spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFGZDRegularGridSetOutputHandler
 A handler for the output of gzip-compressed spatial regular grid set data in the native I/O format of the CDPL. More...
class  CDFGZDRegularGridSetReader
class  CDFGZDRegularGridSetWriter
class  CDFGZDRegularGridWriter
class  CompoundDRegularGridReader
 CompoundDataReader. More...
class  CompoundDRegularGridSetReader
 CompoundDataReader. More...
class  ControlParameter
 Provides keys for built-in control-parameters. More...
class  ControlParameterDefault
 Provides default values for built-in control-parameters. More...
class  DRegularGrid
 RegularGrid. More...
class  DRegularGridIOManager
 A singleton class that serves as a global registry for Grid.DRegularGridInputHandler and Grid.DRegularGridOutputHandler implementation instances. More...
class  DRegularGridInputHandler
 A factory interface providing methods for the creation of Grid.DRegularGridReaderBase instances for reading data provided in a particular storage format. More...
class  DRegularGridOutputHandler
 A factory interface providing methods for the creation of Grid.DRegularGridWriterBase instances for data output in a particular storage format. More...
class  DRegularGridReader
 Reader for grid data of type Grid.DRegularGrid in any supported format. More...
class  DRegularGridReaderBase
 An interface for reading data objects of type Grid.DRegularGrid from an arbitrary data source. More...
class  DRegularGridSet
 RegularGridSet. More...
class  DRegularGridSetIOManager
 A singleton class that serves as a global registry for Grid.DRegularGridSetInputHandler and Grid.DRegularGridSetOutputHandler implementation instances. More...
class  DRegularGridSetInputHandler
 A factory interface providing methods for the creation of Grid.DRegularGridSetReaderBase instances for reading data provided in a particular storage format. More...
class  DRegularGridSetOutputHandler
 A factory interface providing methods for the creation of Grid.DRegularGridSetWriterBase instances for data output in a particular storage format. More...
class  DRegularGridSetReader
 Reader for grid set data of type Grid.DRegularGridSet in any supported format. More...
class  DRegularGridSetReaderBase
 An interface for reading data objects of type Grid.DRegularGridSet from an arbitrary data source. More...
class  DRegularGridSetWriter
 Writer for grid set data of type Grid.DRegularGridSet in any supported format. More...
class  DRegularGridSetWriterBase
 An interface for writing data objects of type Grid.DRegularGridSet to an arbitrary data sink. More...
class  DRegularGridWriter
 Writer for grid data of type Grid.DRegularGrid in any supported format. More...
class  DRegularGridWriterBase
 An interface for writing data objects of type Grid.DRegularGrid to an arbitrary data sink. More...
class  DSpatialGrid
 SpatialGrid. More...
class  DataFormat
 Provides preinitialized Base.DataFormat objects for all supported data formats. More...
class  FRegularGrid
 RegularGrid. More...
class  FRegularGridSet
 RegularGridSet. More...
class  FSpatialGrid
 SpatialGrid. More...
class  FileCDFBZ2DRegularGridReader
class  FileCDFBZ2DRegularGridSetReader
class  FileCDFBZ2DRegularGridSetWriter
class  FileCDFBZ2DRegularGridWriter
class  FileCDFDRegularGridReader
class  FileCDFDRegularGridSetReader
class  FileCDFDRegularGridSetWriter
class  FileCDFDRegularGridWriter
class  FileCDFGZDRegularGridReader
class  FileCDFGZDRegularGridSetReader
class  FileCDFGZDRegularGridSetWriter
class  FileCDFGZDRegularGridWriter


None clearName (AttributedGrid grid)
bool hasName (AttributedGrid grid)
str getName (AttributedGrid grid)
None setName (AttributedGrid grid, str name)
None clearStrictErrorCheckingParameter (Base.ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
bool hasStrictErrorCheckingParameter (Base.ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
bool getStrictErrorCheckingParameter (Base.ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
None setStrictErrorCheckingParameter (Base.ControlParameterContainer cntnr, bool strict)
None clearCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter (Base.ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
bool hasCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter (Base.ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
bool getCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter (Base.ControlParameterContainer cntnr)
None setCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter (Base.ControlParameterContainer cntnr, bool single_prec)

Detailed Description

Contains classes and functions related to grid based data representation and processing.

Function Documentation

◆ clearName()

None CDPL.Grid.clearName ( AttributedGrid  grid)

◆ hasName()

bool CDPL.Grid.hasName ( AttributedGrid  grid)

◆ getName()

str CDPL.Grid.getName ( AttributedGrid  grid)

◆ setName()

None CDPL.Grid.setName ( AttributedGrid  grid,
str  name 

◆ clearStrictErrorCheckingParameter()

None CDPL.Grid.clearStrictErrorCheckingParameter ( Base.ControlParameterContainer  cntnr)

◆ hasStrictErrorCheckingParameter()

bool CDPL.Grid.hasStrictErrorCheckingParameter ( Base.ControlParameterContainer  cntnr)

◆ getStrictErrorCheckingParameter()

bool CDPL.Grid.getStrictErrorCheckingParameter ( Base.ControlParameterContainer  cntnr)

◆ setStrictErrorCheckingParameter()

None CDPL.Grid.setStrictErrorCheckingParameter ( Base.ControlParameterContainer  cntnr,
bool  strict 

◆ clearCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter()

None CDPL.Grid.clearCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter ( Base.ControlParameterContainer  cntnr)

◆ hasCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter()

bool CDPL.Grid.hasCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter ( Base.ControlParameterContainer  cntnr)

◆ getCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter()

bool CDPL.Grid.getCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter ( Base.ControlParameterContainer  cntnr)

◆ setCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter()

None CDPL.Grid.setCDFOutputSinglePrecisionFloatsParameter ( Base.ControlParameterContainer  cntnr,
bool  single_prec 