| JME = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='JME', descr='JME Molecular Editor String', mime_type'', file_exts=['jme'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the native I/O format of the JME Molecular Editor [JME] java applet.
| CDF = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='CDF', descr='Native CDPL Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['cdf'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the native CDPL format.
| CDF_GZ = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='CDF_GZ', descr='GZip-Compressed Native CDPL Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['cdf.gz'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed native CDPL format.
| CDF_BZ2 = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='CDF_BZ2', descr='BZip2-Compressed Native CDPL Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['cdf.bz2'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed native CDPL format.
| MOL = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='MOL', descr='MDL Molfile', mime_type'chemical/x-mdl-molfile', file_exts=['mol'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the MDL Mol-File [CTFILE] format.
| RDF = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='RDF', descr='MDL Reaction-Data Format', mime_type'chemical/x-mdl-rdfile', file_exts=['rdf', 'rd'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the MDL RD-File [CTFILE] format.
| RDF_GZ = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='RDF_GZ', descr='GZip-Compressed MDL Reaction-Data Format', mime_type'chemical/x-mdl-rdfile', file_exts=['rdf.gz', 'rd.gz', 'rdz'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed MDL RD-File [CTFILE] format.
| RDF_BZ2 = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='RDF_BZ2', descr='BZip2-Compressed MDL Reaction-Data Format', mime_type'chemical/x-mdl-rdfile', file_exts=['rdf.bz2', 'rd.bz2'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed MDL RD-File [CTFILE] format.
| RXN = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='RXN', descr='MDL Reaction Format', mime_type'chemical/x-mdl-rxnfile', file_exts=['rxn'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the MDL Rxn-File [CTFILE] format.
| SDF = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='SDF', descr='MDL Structure-Data Format', mime_type'chemical/x-mdl-sdfile', file_exts=['sdf', 'sd'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the MDL SD-File [CTFILE] format.
| SDF_GZ = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='SDF_GZ', descr='GZip-Compressed MDL Structure-Data Format', mime_type'chemical/x-mdl-sdfile', file_exts=['sdf.gz', 'sd.gz', 'sdz'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed MDL SD-File [CTFILE] format.
| SDF_BZ2 = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='SDF_BZ2', descr='BZip2-Compressed MDL Structure-Data Format', mime_type'chemical/x-mdl-sdfile', file_exts=['sdf.bz2', 'sd.bz2'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed MDL SD-File [CTFILE] format.
| SMARTS = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='SMARTS', descr='Daylight SMARTS Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['sma'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the Daylight SMARTS [SMARTS] format.
| SMILES = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='SMILES', descr='Daylight SMILES Format', mime_type'chemical/x-daylight-smiles', file_exts=['smi'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format.
| SMILES_GZ = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='SMILES_GZ', descr='GZip-Compressed Daylight SMILES Format', mime_type'chemical/x-daylight-smiles', file_exts=['smi.gz'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format.
| SMILES_BZ2 = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='SMILES_BZ2', descr='BZip2-Compressed Daylight SMILES Format', mime_type'chemical/x-daylight-smiles', file_exts=['smi.bz2'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format.
| INCHI = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='INCHI', descr='IUPAC International Chemical Identifier', mime_type'chemical/x-inchi', file_exts=['inchi', 'ichi'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) [INCHI] format.
| MOL2 = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='MOL2', descr='Tripos Sybyl MOL2 Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['mol2'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the Sybyl MOL2 format.
| MOL2_GZ = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='MOL2_GZ', descr='GZip-Compressed Tripos Sybyl MOL2 Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['mol2.gz'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Sybyl MOL2 format.
| MOL2_BZ2 = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='MOL2_BZ2', descr='BZip2-Compressed Tripos Sybyl MOL2 Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['mol2.bz2'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Sybyl MOL2 format.
| XYZ = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='XYZ', descr='Atomic Coordinates XYZ Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['xyz'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the XYZ format.
| XYZ_GZ = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='XYZ_GZ', descr='GZip-Compressed Atomic Coordinates XYZ Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['xyz.gz'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed XYZ format.
| XYZ_BZ2 = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='XYZ_BZ2', descr='BZip2-Compressed Atomic Coordinates XYZ Format', mime_type'', file_exts=['xyz.bz2'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed XYZ format.
| CML = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='CML', descr='Chemical Markup Language Format', mime_type'chemical/x-cml', file_exts=['cml'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the Chemical Markup Language [CML] format. More...
| CML_GZ = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='CML_GZ', descr='GZip-Compressed Chemical Markup Language Format', mime_type'chemical/x-cml', file_exts=['cml.gz'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Chemical Markup Language [CML] format. More...
| CML_BZ2 = CDPL.Base.DataFormat(name='CML_BZ2', descr='BZip2-Compressed Chemical Markup Language Format', mime_type'chemical/x-cml', file_exts=['cml.bz2'], multi_rec=True) |
| Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Chemical Markup Language [CML] format. More...
Provides preinitialized Base.DataFormat objects for all supported chemical data formats.