Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.2.2
Namespaces | Variables
ReactionCenterStatus.hpp File Reference

Definition of constants in namespace CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus. More...

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 The namespace of the Chemical Data Processing Library.
 Contains classes and functions related to chemistry.
 Provides flags that are used to describe state changes of atoms and bonds in a reaction center.


constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::NONE = 0
 Specifies that the atom or bond is not part of the reaction center. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::NO_CENTER = 0x1
 Specifies for bonds in a reaction substructure search query that matching target bonds must not be part of a reaction center. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::IS_CENTER = 0x2
 Specifies that the bond is part of the reaction center. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::BOND_MADE = 0x4
 Specifies that the bond is made by the reaction. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::BOND_BROKEN = 0x8
 Specifies that the bond is broken by the reaction. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::BOND_ORDER_CHANGE = 0x10
 Specifies that the bond order is changed by the reaction. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::NO_CHANGE = 0x20
 Specifies that the bond is left unaltered by the reaction. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::STEREO_INVERSION = 0x40
 Specifies that the configuration of the atom is inverted by the reaction. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::STEREO_RETENTION = 0x80
 Specifies that the configuration of the atom is retained in the reaction. More...
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus::EXACT_CHANGE = 0x80
 Specifies that the change of the atom is exactly as specified. More...

Detailed Description

Definition of constants in namespace CDPL::Chem::ReactionCenterStatus.