Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.2.2
Namespaces | Typedefs
MMCIFDataProcessingFunction.hpp File Reference

Type definition of a generic wrapper class used to store a user-defined function for the processing of Biomol::MMCIFData instances. More...

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 The namespace of the Chemical Data Processing Library.
 Contains classes and functions related to chemistry.
 Contains classes and functions related to biological macromolecules.


typedef std::function< void(Biomol::MMCIFData &, const Chem::MolecularGraph &)> CDPL::Biomol::MMCIFDataProcessingFunction
 A generic wrapper class used to store a user-defined function for the processing of Biomol::MMCIFData instances. More...

Detailed Description

Type definition of a generic wrapper class used to store a user-defined function for the processing of Biomol::MMCIFData instances.