2.2.2. Ligand-receptor Interaction Pharmacophores

  1import sys
  2import argparse
  4import CDPL.Chem as Chem
  5import CDPL.Biomol as Biomol
  6import CDPL.Pharm as Pharm
  7import CDPL.MolProp as MolProp
 10def parseArgs() -> argparse.Namespace:
 11    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generates pharmacophores describing the interactions between a given receptor structure and a set of ligand molecules.')
 13    parser.add_argument('-r',
 14                        dest='receptor_file',
 15                        required=True,
 16                        metavar='<file>',
 17                        help='Receptor structure input file (*.mol2, *.pdb, *.mmtf)')
 18    parser.add_argument('-l',
 19                        dest='ligands_file',
 20                        required=True,
 21                        metavar='<file>',
 22                        help='Ligand structure input file (*.sdf, *.mol2, *.cdf)')
 23    parser.add_argument('-o',
 24                        dest='out_file',
 25                        required=True,
 26                        metavar='<file>',
 27                        help='Pharmacophore output file (*.pml, *.cdf)')
 28    parser.add_argument('-s',
 29                        dest='strip_res_list',
 30                        required=False,
 31                        metavar='<three-letter code(s)>',
 32                        nargs='+',
 33                        help='Whitespace separated list of PDB three-letter codes specifying residues to remove from the receptor structure (e.g. an existing ligand)')
 34    parser.add_argument('-q',
 35                        dest='quiet',
 36                        required=False,
 37                        action='store_true',
 38                        default=False,
 39                        help='Disable progress output (default: false)')
 40    parser.add_argument('-x',
 41                        dest='gen_x_vols',
 42                        required=False,
 43                        action='store_true',
 44                        default=False,
 45                        help='Generate exclusion volumes (default: false)')
 47    return parser.parse_args()
 49# reads and preprocesses the specified receptor structure
 50def readAndPrepareReceptorStructure(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Chem.Molecule:
 51    # create reader for receptor structure (format specified by file extension)
 52    reader = Chem.MoleculeReader(args.receptor_file) 
 54    sup_fmts = [ Chem.DataFormat.MOL2,
 55                 Biomol.DataFormat.PDB,
 56                 Biomol.DataFormat.MMTF ]
 58    if reader.getDataFormat() not in sup_fmts:   # check if the format is supported by this script 
 59        sys.exit('Error: receptor input file format \'%s\' not supported' % name_and_ext[1])
 61    rec_mol = Chem.BasicMolecule()    # create an instance of the default implementation of the
 62                                      # Chem.Molecule interface that will store the receptor struct.
 63    try:
 64        if not reader.read(rec_mol):  # read receptor structure
 65            sys.exit('Error: reading receptor structure failed')
 67    except Exception as e:
 68        sys.exit('Error: reading receptor structure failed:\n' + str(e))            
 70    # preprocess the receptor structure (removal of residues and
 71    # calculation of properties required by the pharm. generation procedure)
 72    try:
 73        # if structure comes from an MOL2 file, convert MOL2 residue data into PDB-style data
 74        if reader.getDataFormat() == Chem.DataFormat.MOL2: 
 75            Biomol.convertMOL2ToPDBResidueInfo(rec_mol, True)
 77        rem_atoms = False
 79        # delete atoms belonging to residues that should be stripped
 80        if args.strip_res_list:            
 81            atoms_to_rem = Chem.Fragment() # will store the atoms to delete
 82            res_to_strip = { tlc.upper() for tlc in args.strip_res_list }
 84            for atom in rec_mol.atoms:     # identify and note atoms belonging to the stripped residues
 85                if Biomol.getResidueCode(atom).upper() in res_to_strip:
 86                    atoms_to_rem.addAtom(atom)
 88            if atoms_to_rem.numAtoms > 0:
 89                rec_mol -= atoms_to_rem    # delete atoms from the receptor structure
 90                rem_atoms = True
 92                if not args.quiet:
 93                    print('! Removed %s atoms from the receptor structure' % str(atoms_to_rem.numAtoms))
 95        # prepares the receptor structure for pharmacophore generation
 96        Chem.perceiveSSSR(rec_mol, rem_atoms)
 97        Chem.setRingFlags(rec_mol, rem_atoms)
 98        Chem.calcImplicitHydrogenCounts(rec_mol, rem_atoms);
 99        Chem.perceiveHybridizationStates(rec_mol, rem_atoms);
100        Chem.setAromaticityFlags(rec_mol, rem_atoms);
102        if Chem.makeHydrogenComplete(rec_mol):                    # make implicit hydrogens (if any) explicit
103            Chem.calcHydrogen3DCoordinates(rec_mol)               # calculate 3D coordinates for the added expl. hydrogens
104            Biomol.setHydrogenResidueSequenceInfo(rec_mol, False) # set residue information for the added expl. hydrogens
106        MolProp.calcAtomHydrophobicities(rec_mol, False)          # calculate atom hydrophobicity values (needed for hydrophobic
107                                                                  # pharm. feature generation)
108    except Exception as e:
109        sys.exit('Error: processing of receptor structure failed: ' + str(e))            
111    return rec_mol
113def main() -> None:
114    args = parseArgs()
116    rec_mol = readAndPrepareReceptorStructure(args)          # read and preprocess the receptor structure
117    lig_reader = Chem.MoleculeReader(args.ligands_file)      # create reader for the ligand input file (format specified by file extension)
118    ph4_writer = Pharm.FeatureContainerWriter(args.out_file) # create writer for the generated pharmacophores (format specified by file extension)
120    lig_mol = Chem.BasicMolecule()          # create an instance of the default implementation of the
121                                            # Chem.Molecule interface that will store the ligand structures
122    ia_ph4 = Pharm.BasicPharmacophore()     # create an instance of the default implementation of the Pharm.Pharmacophore
123                                            # interface that will store the generated pharmacophores
125    ph4_gen = Pharm.InteractionPharmacophoreGenerator() # create an instance of the pharmacophore generator
127    ph4_gen.addExclusionVolumes(args.gen_x_vols)        # specify whether to generate exclusion volume spheres 
128                                                        # on pharm. feature atoms of interacting residues
129    try:
130        i = 1
132        # read and process ligand molecules one after the other until the end of input has been reached (or a severe error occurs)
133        while lig_reader.read(lig_mol):
134            mol_id = Chem.getName(lig_mol).strip() # compose a simple ligand identifier for messages
136            if mol_id == '':
137                mol_id = '#' + str(i)  # fallback if name is empty or not available
138            else:
139                mol_id = '\'%s\' (#%s)' % (mol_id, str(i))
141            if not args.quiet:
142                print('- Generating interaction pharmacophore of molecule %s...' % mol_id)
144            try:
145                Pharm.prepareForPharmacophoreGeneration(lig_mol) # make ligand ready for pharm. generation
147                ph4_gen.generate(lig_mol, rec_mol, ia_ph4, True) # generate the pharmacophore (True = extract ligand environment residues on-the-fly)
149                if not args.quiet:
150                     print(' -> Generated %s features: %s' % (str(ia_ph4.numFeatures), Pharm.generateFeatureTypeHistogramString(ia_ph4)))
152                try:
153                    if not ph4_writer.write(ia_ph4): # output pharmacophore
154                        sys.exit('Error: writing interaction pharmacophore of molecule %s failed: %s' % (mol_id, str(e)))
156                except Exception as e:               # handle exception raised in case of severe write errors
157                    sys.exit('Error: writing interaction pharmacophore of molecule %s failed: %s' % (mol_id, str(e)))
159            except Exception as e:                   # handle exception raised in case of severe processing errors
160                sys.exit('Error: interaction pharmacophore generation for molecule %s failed: %s' % (mol_id, str(e)))
162            i += 1
164    except Exception as e:                           # handle exception raised in case of severe read errors
165        sys.exit('Error: reading molecule %s failed: %s' % (str(i), str(e)))
167    if not args.quiet:
168        print('Done!')
170    ph4_writer.close()
171    sys.exit(0)
173if __name__ == '__main__':
174    main()

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