5.2. Conformer Ensembles

  1import sys
  2import argparse
  4import CDPL.Chem as Chem
  5import CDPL.ConfGen as ConfGen
  8# generates a conformer ensemble of the argument molecule using
  9# the provided initialized ConfGen.ConformerGenerator instance
 10def genConfEnsemble(mol: Chem.Molecule, conf_gen: ConfGen.ConformerGenerator) -> (int, int):
 11    # prepare the molecule for conformer generation
 12    ConfGen.prepareForConformerGeneration(mol) 
 14    # generate the conformer ensemble
 15    status = conf_gen.generate(mol)             
 16    num_confs = conf_gen.getNumConformers()
 18    # if successful, store the generated conformer ensemble as
 19    # per atom 3D coordinates arrays (= the way conformers are represented in CDPKit)
 20    if status == ConfGen.ReturnCode.SUCCESS or status == ConfGen.ReturnCode.TOO_MUCH_SYMMETRY:
 21        conf_gen.setConformers(mol)                
 22    else:
 23        num_confs = 0
 25    # return status code and the number of generated conformers
 26    return (status, num_confs)
 28def main() -> None:
 29    args = parseArgs()
 31    # create reader for input molecules (format specified by file extension)
 32    reader = Chem.MoleculeReader(args.in_file) 
 34    # create writer for the generated conformer ensembles (format specified by file extension)
 35    writer = Chem.MolecularGraphWriter(args.out_file) 
 37    # create and initialize an instance of the class ConfGen.ConformerGenerator which
 38    # will perform the actual conformer ensemble generation work
 39    conf_gen = ConfGen.ConformerGenerator()
 41    conf_gen.settings.timeout = args.max_time * 1000          # apply the -t argument
 42    conf_gen.settings.minRMSD = args.min_rmsd                 # apply the -r argument
 43    conf_gen.settings.energyWindow = args.e_window            # apply the -e argument
 44    conf_gen.settings.maxNumOutputConformers = args.max_confs # apply the -n argument
 46    # dictionary mapping status codes to human readable strings
 47    status_to_str = { ConfGen.ReturnCode.UNINITIALIZED                  : 'uninitialized',
 48                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.TIMEOUT                        : 'max. processing time exceeded',
 49                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.ABORTED                        : 'aborted',
 50                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.FORCEFIELD_SETUP_FAILED        : 'force field setup failed',
 51                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.FORCEFIELD_MINIMIZATION_FAILED : 'force field structure refinement failed',
 52                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.FRAGMENT_LIBRARY_NOT_SET       : 'fragment library not available',
 53                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.FRAGMENT_CONF_GEN_FAILED       : 'fragment conformer generation failed',
 54                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.FRAGMENT_CONF_GEN_TIMEOUT      : 'fragment conformer generation timeout',
 55                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.FRAGMENT_ALREADY_PROCESSED     : 'fragment already processed',
 56                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.TORSION_DRIVING_FAILED         : 'torsion driving failed',
 57                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.CONF_GEN_FAILED                : 'conformer generation failed' }
 59    # create an instance of the default implementation of the Chem.Molecule interface
 60    mol = Chem.BasicMolecule()
 61    i = 1
 63    # read and process molecules one after the other until the end of input has been reached
 64    try:
 65        while reader.read(mol):
 66            # compose a simple molecule identifier
 67            mol_id = Chem.getName(mol).strip() 
 69            if mol_id == '':
 70                mol_id = '#' + str(i) # fallback if name is empty
 71            else:
 72                mol_id = '\'%s\' (#%s)' % (mol_id, str(i))
 74            if not args.quiet:
 75                print('- Generating conformers for molecule %s...' % mol_id)
 77            try:
 78                # generate conformer ensemble for read molecule
 79                status, num_confs = genConfEnsemble(mol, conf_gen) 
 81                # check for severe error reported by status code
 82                if status != ConfGen.ReturnCode.SUCCESS and status != ConfGen.ReturnCode.TOO_MUCH_SYMMETRY:
 83                    if args.quiet:
 84                        print('Error: conformer ensemble generation for molecule %s failed: %s' % (mol_id, status_to_str[status]))
 85                    else:
 86                        print(' -> Conformer ensemble generation failed: %s' % status_to_str[status])
 88                elif not args.quiet:  # arrives here only if no severe error occurred
 89                    if status == ConfGen.ReturnCode.TOO_MUCH_SYMMETRY:
 90                        print(' -> Generated %s conformers (warning: too much top. symmetry - output ensemble may contain duplicates)' % str(num_confs))
 91                    else:
 92                        print(' -> Generated %s conformer(s)' % str(num_confs))
 94                # output generated ensemble (if available)
 95                if num_confs > 0:
 96                    if not writer.write(mol):   
 97                        sys.exit('Error: output of conformer ensemble for molecule %s failed' % mol_id)
 99            except Exception as e:
100                sys.exit('Error: conformer ensemble generation or output for molecule %s failed: %s' % (mol_id, str(e)))
102            i += 1
104    except Exception as e: # handle exception raised in case of severe read errors
105        sys.exit('Error: reading molecule failed: ' + str(e))
107    writer.close()
108    sys.exit(0)
110def parseArgs() -> argparse.Namespace:
111    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generates conformer ensembles for the given input molecules.')
113    parser.add_argument('-i',
114                        dest='in_file',
115                        required=True,
116                        metavar='<file>',
117                        help='Molecule input file')
118    parser.add_argument('-o',
119                        dest='out_file',
120                        required=True,
121                        metavar='<file>',
122                        help='Conformer ensemble output file')
123    parser.add_argument('-e',
124                        dest='e_window',
125                        required=False,
126                        metavar='<float>',
127                        type=float,
128                        default=20.0,
129                        help='Output conformer energy window (default: 20.0)')
130    parser.add_argument('-r',
131                        dest='min_rmsd',
132                        required=False,
133                        metavar='<float>',
134                        type=float,
135                        default=0.5,
136                        help='Output conformer RMSD threshold (default: 0.5)')
137    parser.add_argument('-t',
138                        dest='max_time',
139                        required=False,
140                        metavar='<int>',
141                        type=int,
142                        default=3600,
143                        help='Max. allowed molecule processing time (default: 3600 sec)')
144    parser.add_argument('-n',
145                        dest='max_confs',
146                        required=False,
147                        metavar='<int>',
148                        type=int,
149                        default=100,
150                        help='Max. output ensemble size (default: 100)')
151    parser.add_argument('-q',
152                        dest='quiet',
153                        required=False,
154                        action='store_true',
155                        default=False,
156                        help='Disable progress output (default: false)')
158    return parser.parse_args()
160if __name__ == '__main__':
161    main()

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