Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.1.1
CDPL::Chem::MOL2MoleculeType Namespace Reference

Provides constants for the specification of the molecule type in Tripos MOL2 files. More...


const unsigned int UNKNOWN = 0
const unsigned int SMALL = 1
const unsigned int BIOPOLYMER = 2
const unsigned int PROTEIN = 3
const unsigned int NUCLEIC_ACID = 4
const unsigned int SACCHARIDE = 5

Detailed Description

Provides constants for the specification of the molecule type in Tripos MOL2 files.

Variable Documentation


const unsigned int CDPL::Chem::MOL2MoleculeType::UNKNOWN = 0


const unsigned int CDPL::Chem::MOL2MoleculeType::SMALL = 1


const unsigned int CDPL::Chem::MOL2MoleculeType::BIOPOLYMER = 2


const unsigned int CDPL::Chem::MOL2MoleculeType::PROTEIN = 3


const unsigned int CDPL::Chem::MOL2MoleculeType::NUCLEIC_ACID = 4


const unsigned int CDPL::Chem::MOL2MoleculeType::SACCHARIDE = 5