Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.1.0
CDPL::Biomol::DataFormat Namespace Reference

Provides preinitialized Base::DataFormat objects for all supported biopolymer data formats. More...


CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat PDB
 Provides meta-information about the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Format [PDB] format. More...
CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat PDB_GZ
 Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Format [PDB] format. More...
CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat PDB_BZ2
 Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Format [PDB] format. More...
CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat MMTF
 Provides meta-information about the Macromolecular Transmission Format [MMTF] format. More...
CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat MMTF_GZ
 Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Macromolecular Transmission Format [MMTF] format. More...
CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat MMTF_BZ2
 Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Macromolecular Transmission Format [MMTF] format. More...

Detailed Description

Provides preinitialized Base::DataFormat objects for all supported biopolymer data formats.

Variable Documentation


CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Biomol::DataFormat::PDB

Provides meta-information about the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Format [PDB] format.


CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Biomol::DataFormat::PDB_GZ

Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Format [PDB] format.


CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Biomol::DataFormat::PDB_BZ2

Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Brookhaven Protein Data Bank Format [PDB] format.


CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Biomol::DataFormat::MMTF

Provides meta-information about the Macromolecular Transmission Format [MMTF] format.


CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Biomol::DataFormat::MMTF_GZ

Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Macromolecular Transmission Format [MMTF] format.


CDPL_BIOMOL_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Biomol::DataFormat::MMTF_BZ2

Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Macromolecular Transmission Format [MMTF] format.