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Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.1.0
Functions for the calculation of MMFF94 interaction energies. More...
#include "CDPL/ForceField/MMFF94BondStretchingInteraction.hpp"
#include "CDPL/ForceField/MMFF94AngleBendingInteraction.hpp"
#include "CDPL/ForceField/MMFF94StretchBendInteraction.hpp"
#include "CDPL/ForceField/MMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingInteraction.hpp"
#include "CDPL/ForceField/MMFF94TorsionInteraction.hpp"
#include "CDPL/ForceField/MMFF94VanDerWaalsInteraction.hpp"
#include "CDPL/ForceField/MMFF94ElectrostaticInteraction.hpp"
#include "CDPL/ForceField/UtilityFunctions.hpp"
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Namespaces | |
CDPL | |
The namespace of the Chemical Data Processing Library. | |
CDPL::ForceField | |
Contains classes and functions related to molecular force fields. | |
Functions | |
template<typename ValueType , typename Iter , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94BondStretchingEnergy (Iter beg, const Iter &end, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94BondStretchingEnergy (const MMFF94BondStretchingInteraction &iaction, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94BondStretchingEnergy (const CoordsVec &atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &atom2_pos, const ValueType &force_const, const ValueType &ref_length) |
Calculates the bond stretching interaction energy \( EB_{ij} \) for the bond i-j. More... | |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94BondStretchingEnergy (const ValueType &r_ij, const ValueType &force_const, const ValueType &ref_length) |
Calculates the bond stretching interaction energy \( EB_{ij} \) for the bond i-j. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename Iter , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94AngleBendingEnergy (Iter beg, const Iter &end, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94AngleBendingEnergy (const MMFF94AngleBendingInteraction &iaction, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94AngleBendingEnergy (const CoordsVec &term_atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &ctr_atom_pos, const CoordsVec &term_atom2_pos, bool linear, const ValueType &force_const, const ValueType &ref_angle) |
Calculates the angle bending interaction energy \( EA_{ijk} \) for two bonds i-j and j-k. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94AngleBendingEnergy (const CoordsVec &term_atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &ctr_atom_pos, const CoordsVec &term_atom2_pos, const ValueType &r_ij, const ValueType &r_jk, bool linear, const ValueType &force_const, const ValueType &ref_angle) |
Calculates the angle bending interaction energy \( EA_{ijk} \) for two bonds i-j and j-k. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename Iter , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94StretchBendEnergy (Iter beg, const Iter &end, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94StretchBendEnergy (const MMFF94StretchBendInteraction &iaction, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94StretchBendEnergy (const CoordsVec &term_atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &ctr_atom_pos, const CoordsVec &term_atom2_pos, const ValueType &ijk_force_const, const ValueType &kji_force_const, const ValueType &ref_angle, const ValueType &ref_length1, const ValueType &ref_length2) |
Calculates the stretch-bend interaction energy \( EBA_{ijk} \) for two bonds i-j and j-k. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94StretchBendEnergy (const CoordsVec &term_atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &ctr_atom_pos, const CoordsVec &term_atom2_pos, const ValueType &r_ij, const ValueType &r_jk, const ValueType &ijk_force_const, const ValueType &kji_force_const, const ValueType &ref_angle, const ValueType &ref_length1, const ValueType &ref_length2) |
Calculates the stretch-bend interaction energy \( EBA_{ijk} \) for two bonds i-j and j-k. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename Iter , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingEnergy (Iter beg, const Iter &end, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingEnergy (const MMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingInteraction &iaction, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingEnergy (const CoordsVec &term_atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &ctr_atom_pos, const CoordsVec &term_atom2_pos, const CoordsVec &oop_atom_pos, const ValueType &force_const) |
Calculates the out-of-plane bending interaction energy \( EOOP_{ijk;l} \) for the bond j-l and the plane i-j-k. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94OutOfPlaneBendingEnergy (const CoordsVec &term_atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &ctr_atom_pos, const CoordsVec &term_atom2_pos, const CoordsVec &oop_atom_pos, const ValueType &r_jl, const ValueType &force_const) |
Calculates the out-of-plane bending interaction energy \( EOOP_{ijk;l} \) for the bond j-l and the plane i-j-k. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename Iter , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94TorsionEnergy (Iter beg, const Iter &end, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94TorsionEnergy (const MMFF94TorsionInteraction &iaction, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94TorsionEnergy (const CoordsVec &term_atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &ctr_atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &ctr_atom2_pos, const CoordsVec &term_atom2_pos, const ValueType &tor_param1, const ValueType &tor_param2, const ValueType &tor_param3) |
Calculates the torsion interaction energy \( ET_{ijkl} \) for the central bond j-k and the connected bonds i-j and k-l. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename Iter , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94ElectrostaticEnergy (Iter beg, const Iter &end, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94ElectrostaticEnergy (const MMFF94ElectrostaticInteraction &iaction, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94ElectrostaticEnergy (const CoordsVec &atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &atom2_pos, const ValueType &atom1_chg, const ValueType &atom2_chg, const ValueType &scale_fact, const ValueType &de_const, const ValueType &dist_expo) |
Calculates the electrostatic interaction energy \( EQ_{ij} \) for the atom pair i-j. More... | |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94ElectrostaticEnergy (const ValueType &r_ij, const ValueType &atom1_chg, const ValueType &atom2_chg, const ValueType &scale_fact, const ValueType &de_const, const ValueType &dist_expo) |
Calculates the electrostatic interaction energy \( EQ_{ij} \) for the atom pair i-j. More... | |
template<typename ValueType , typename Iter , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94VanDerWaalsEnergy (Iter beg, const Iter &end, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsArray > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94VanDerWaalsEnergy (const MMFF94VanDerWaalsInteraction &iaction, const CoordsArray &coords) |
template<typename ValueType , typename CoordsVec > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94VanDerWaalsEnergy (const CoordsVec &atom1_pos, const CoordsVec &atom2_pos, const ValueType &e_IJ, const ValueType &r_IJ, const ValueType &r_IJ_7) |
Calculates the van der Waals interaction energy \( E_{vdW_{ij}} \) for the atom pair i-j. More... | |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType | CDPL::ForceField::calcMMFF94VanDerWaalsEnergy (const ValueType &r_ij, const ValueType &e_IJ, const ValueType &r_IJ, const ValueType &r_IJ_7) |
Calculates the van der Waals interaction energy \( E_{vdW_{ij}} \) for the atom pair i-j. More... | |
Functions for the calculation of MMFF94 interaction energies.