typedef std::shared_ptr< BasicMolecule > | SharedPointer |
| A reference-counted smart pointer [SHPTR] for dynamically allocated BasicMolecule instances. More...
typedef boost::indirect_iterator< AtomList::iterator, BasicAtom > | AtomIterator |
typedef boost::indirect_iterator< AtomList::const_iterator, const BasicAtom > | ConstAtomIterator |
typedef boost::indirect_iterator< BondList::iterator, BasicBond > | BondIterator |
typedef boost::indirect_iterator< BondList::const_iterator, const BasicBond > | ConstBondIterator |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Molecule > | SharedPointer |
| A reference-counted smart pointer [SHPTR] for dynamically allocated Molecule instances. More...
typedef AtomContainer::ConstAtomIterator | ConstAtomIterator |
| A constant random access iterator used to iterate over the atoms of the molecule. More...
typedef AtomContainer::AtomIterator | AtomIterator |
| A mutable random access iterator used to iterate over the atoms of the molecule. More...
typedef BondContainer::ConstBondIterator | ConstBondIterator |
| A constant random access iterator used to iterate over the bonds of the molecule. More...
typedef BondContainer::BondIterator | BondIterator |
| A mutable random access iterator used to iterate over the bonds of the molecule. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< MolecularGraph > | SharedPointer |
| A reference-counted smart pointer [SHPTR] for dynamically allocated MolecularGraph instances. More...
typedef Util::IndexedElementIterator< const Atom, ConstAtomAccessor > | ConstAtomIterator |
| A constant random access iterator used to iterate over the stored const Chem::Atom objects. More...
typedef Util::IndexedElementIterator< Atom, AtomAccessor > | AtomIterator |
| A mutable random access iterator used to iterate over the stored Chem::Atom objects. More...
typedef Util::IndexedElementIterator< const Entity3D, ConstEntityAccessor > | ConstEntityIterator |
| A constant random access iterator used to iterate over the stored const Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
typedef Util::IndexedElementIterator< Entity3D, EntityAccessor > | EntityIterator |
| A mutable random access iterator used to iterate over the stored Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
typedef Util::IndexedElementIterator< const Bond, ConstBondAccessor > | ConstBondIterator |
| A constant random access iterator used to iterate over the stored const Chem::Bond objects. More...
typedef Util::IndexedElementIterator< Bond, BondAccessor > | BondIterator |
| A mutable random access iterator used to iterate over the stored Chem::Bond objects. More...
typedef PropertyMap::value_type | PropertyEntry |
| A Base::LookupKey / Base::Any pair that stores the property value for a given property key. More...
typedef PropertyMap::const_iterator | ConstPropertyIterator |
| A constant iterator used to iterate over the property entries. More...
| BasicMolecule () |
| Constructs an empty BasicMolecule instance. More...
| BasicMolecule (const BasicMolecule &mol) |
| Constructs a copy of the BasicMolecule instance mol. More...
| BasicMolecule (const Molecule &mol) |
| Constructs a copy of the Chem::Molecule instance mol. More...
| BasicMolecule (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Constructs a BasicMolecule instance with copies of the atoms and bonds of the Chem::MolecularGraph instance molgraph. More...
| ~BasicMolecule () |
| Destructor. More...
void | clear () |
| Removes all atoms and bonds and clears all properties of the molecule. More...
std::size_t | getNumAtoms () const |
| Returns the number of explicit atoms. More...
std::size_t | getNumBonds () const |
| Returns the number of explicit bonds. More...
ConstAtomIterator | getAtomsBegin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the atoms. More...
AtomIterator | getAtomsBegin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the atoms. More...
ConstAtomIterator | getAtomsEnd () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the atoms. More...
AtomIterator | getAtomsEnd () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the atoms. More...
ConstBondIterator | getBondsBegin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the bonds. More...
BondIterator | getBondsBegin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the bonds. More...
ConstBondIterator | getBondsEnd () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the bonds. More...
BondIterator | getBondsEnd () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the bonds. More...
const BasicAtom & | getAtom (std::size_t idx) const |
| Returns a const reference to the atom at index idx. More...
BasicAtom & | getAtom (std::size_t idx) |
| Returns a non-const reference to the atom at index idx. More...
BasicAtom & | addAtom () |
| Creates a new atom and adds it to the molecule. More...
void | removeAtom (std::size_t idx) |
| Removes the atom at the specified index. More...
AtomIterator | removeAtom (const AtomIterator &it) |
| Removes the atom specified by the iterator it. More...
const BasicBond & | getBond (std::size_t idx) const |
| Returns a const reference to the bond at index idx. More...
BasicBond & | getBond (std::size_t idx) |
| Returns a non-const reference to the bond at index idx. More...
BasicBond & | addBond (std::size_t atom1_idx, std::size_t atom2_idx) |
| Creates a new or returns an already existing bond between the atoms specified by atom1_idx and atom2_idx. More...
void | removeBond (std::size_t idx) |
| Removes the bond at the specified index. More...
BondIterator | removeBond (const BondIterator &it) |
| Removes the bond specified by the iterator it. More...
bool | containsAtom (const Atom &atom) const |
| Tells whether the specified atom is part of this molecule. More...
bool | containsBond (const Bond &bond) const |
| Tells whether the specified bond is part of this molecule. More...
std::size_t | getAtomIndex (const Atom &atom) const |
| Returns the index of the specified atom. More...
std::size_t | getBondIndex (const Bond &bond) const |
| Returns the index of the specified bond. More...
void | orderAtoms (const AtomCompareFunction &func) |
| Orders the stored atoms according to criteria implemented by the provided atom comparison function. More...
void | orderBonds (const BondCompareFunction &func) |
| Orders the stored bonds according to criteria implemented by the provided bond comparison function. More...
BasicMolecule & | operator= (const BasicMolecule &mol) |
| Replaces the current set of atoms, bonds and properties by a copy of the atoms, bonds and properties of the molecule mol. More...
BasicMolecule & | operator+= (const BasicMolecule &mol) |
| Extends the current set of atoms and bonds by a copy of the atoms and bonds in the molecule mol. More...
MolecularGraph::SharedPointer | clone () const |
| Creates a copy of the molecular graph. More...
void | copy (const BasicMolecule &mol) |
| Replaces the current set of atoms, bonds and properties by a copy of the atoms, bonds and properties of the molecule mol. More...
void | copy (const Molecule &mol) |
| Replaces the current set of atoms, bonds and properties by a copy of the atoms, bonds and properties of the molecule mol. More...
void | copy (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Replaces the current set of atoms, bonds and properties by a copy of the atoms, bonds and properties of the molecular graph molgraph. More...
void | append (const BasicMolecule &mol) |
| Extends the current set of atoms and bonds by a copy of the atoms and bonds in the molecule mol. More...
void | append (const Molecule &mol) |
| Extends the current set of atoms and bonds by a copy of the atoms and bonds in the molecule mol. More...
void | append (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Extends the current set of atoms and bonds by a copy of the atoms and bonds in the molecular graph molgraph. More...
void | remove (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Removes atoms and bonds referenced by the molecular graph molgraph that are part of this Molecule instance. More...
void | reserveMemoryForAtoms (std::size_t num_atoms) |
| Reserves memory for num_atoms atoms. More...
void | reserveMemoryForBonds (std::size_t num_bonds) |
| Reserves memory for num_bonds bonds. More...
Molecule & | operator= (const Molecule &mol) |
| Replaces the current set of atoms, bonds and properties by a copy of the atoms, bonds and properties of the molecule mol. More...
Molecule & | operator= (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Replaces the current set of atoms, bonds and properties by a copy of the atoms, bonds and properties of the molecular graph molgraph. More...
Molecule & | operator+= (const Molecule &mol) |
| Extends the current set of atoms and bonds by a copy of the atoms and bonds in the molecule mol. More...
Molecule & | operator+= (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Extends the current set of atoms and bonds by a copy of the atoms and bonds in the molecular graph molgraph. More...
virtual | ~Molecule () |
| Virtual destructor. More...
AtomIterator | removeAtom (const AtomIterator &it) |
| Removes the atom specified by the iterator it. More...
BondIterator | removeBond (const BondIterator &it) |
| Removes the bond specified by the iterator it. More...
Molecule & | operator= (const Molecule &mol) |
| Replaces the current set of atoms, bonds and properties by a copy of the atoms, bonds and properties of the molecule mol. More...
Molecule & | operator= (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Replaces the current set of atoms, bonds and properties by a copy of the atoms, bonds and properties of the molecular graph molgraph. More...
Molecule & | operator+= (const Molecule &mol) |
| Extends the current set of atoms and bonds by a copy of the atoms and bonds in the molecule mol. More...
Molecule & | operator+= (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Extends the current set of atoms and bonds by a copy of the atoms and bonds in the molecular graph molgraph. More...
Molecule & | operator-= (const MolecularGraph &molgraph) |
| Removes atoms and bonds referenced by the molecular graph molgraph that are part of this Molecule instance. More...
ConstAtomIterator | getAtomsBegin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored const Chem::Atom objects. More...
AtomIterator | getAtomsBegin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored Chem::Atom objects. More...
ConstAtomIterator | getAtomsEnd () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the stored const Chem::Atom objects. More...
AtomIterator | getAtomsEnd () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the stored Chem::Atom objects. More...
ConstBondIterator | getBondsBegin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored const Chem::Bond objects. More...
BondIterator | getBondsBegin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored Chem::Bond objects. More...
ConstBondIterator | getBondsEnd () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the stored const Chem::Bond objects. More...
BondIterator | getBondsEnd () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the stored Chem::Bond objects. More...
virtual | ~MolecularGraph () |
| Virtual destructor. More...
ConstAtomIterator | getAtomsBegin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored const Chem::Atom objects. More...
ConstAtomIterator | getAtomsEnd () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the stored const Chem::Atom objects. More...
AtomIterator | getAtomsBegin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored Chem::Atom objects. More...
AtomIterator | getAtomsEnd () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the stored Chem::Atom objects. More...
ConstAtomIterator | begin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored const Chem::Atom objects. More...
ConstAtomIterator | end () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the stored const Chem::Atom objects. More...
AtomIterator | begin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored Chem::Atom objects. More...
AtomIterator | end () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the stored Chem::Atom objects. More...
virtual std::size_t | getNumEntities () const |
| Returns the number of stored Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
virtual const Entity3D & | getEntity (std::size_t idx) const |
| Returns a const reference to the Chem::Entity3D instance at index idx. More...
virtual Entity3D & | getEntity (std::size_t idx) |
| Returns a non-const reference to the entity at index idx. More...
const AtomContainer & | getAtoms () const |
| Returns a const reference to itself. More...
AtomContainer & | getAtoms () |
| Returns a reference to itself. More...
ConstEntityIterator | getEntitiesBegin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored const Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
ConstEntityIterator | getEntitiesEnd () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the stored const Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
EntityIterator | getEntitiesBegin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
EntityIterator | getEntitiesEnd () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the stored Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
ConstEntityIterator | begin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored const Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
ConstEntityIterator | end () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the stored const Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
EntityIterator | begin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
EntityIterator | end () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the stored Chem::Entity3D objects. More...
const Entity3DContainer & | getEntities () const |
| Returns a const reference to itself. More...
Entity3DContainer & | getEntities () |
| Returns a reference to itself. More...
ConstBondIterator | getBondsBegin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored const Chem::Bond objects. More...
ConstBondIterator | getBondsEnd () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the stored const Chem::Bond objects. More...
BondIterator | getBondsBegin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored Chem::Bond objects. More...
BondIterator | getBondsEnd () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the stored Chem::Bond objects. More...
ConstBondIterator | begin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored const Chem::Bond objects. More...
ConstBondIterator | end () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the stored const Chem::Bond objects. More...
BondIterator | begin () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored Chem::Bond objects. More...
BondIterator | end () |
| Returns a mutable iterator pointing to the end of the stored Chem::Bond objects. More...
const BondContainer & | getBonds () const |
| Returns a const reference to itself. More...
BondContainer & | getBonds () |
| Returns a reference to itself. More...
std::size_t | getNumProperties () const |
| Returns the number of property entries. More...
template<typename T > |
void | setProperty (const LookupKey &key, T &&val) |
| Sets the value of the property specified by key to val. More...
template<typename T > |
const T & | getProperty (const LookupKey &key) const |
| Returns the value of the property specified by key as a const reference to an object of type T. More...
template<typename T > |
const T & | getPropertyOrDefault (const LookupKey &key, const T &def_val) const |
| Returns the value of the property specified by key as a const reference to an object of type T, or the default value def_val if a stored value does not exist. More...
const Any & | getProperty (const LookupKey &key, bool throw_=false) const |
| Returns the value of the property specified by key. More...
bool | isPropertySet (const LookupKey &key) const |
| Tells whether or not a value has been assigned to the property specified by key. More...
ConstPropertyIterator | getPropertiesBegin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the property entries. More...
ConstPropertyIterator | getPropertiesEnd () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the property entries. More...
ConstPropertyIterator | begin () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the property entries. More...
ConstPropertyIterator | end () const |
| Returns a constant iterator pointing to the end of the property entries. More...
bool | removeProperty (const LookupKey &key) |
| Clears the value of the property specified by key. More...
void | clearProperties () |
| Clears all property values. More...
void | addProperties (const PropertyContainer &cntnr) |
| Adds the property value entries in the PropertyContainer instance cntnr. More...
void | copyProperties (const PropertyContainer &cntnr) |
| Replaces the current set of properties by a copy of the entries in cntnr. More...
void | swap (PropertyContainer &cntnr) |
| Exchanges the properties of this container with the properties of the container cntnr. More...
const PropertyContainer & | getProperties () const |
| Returns a const reference to itself. More...