6.1. MMFF94 Atom Charges

The script calc_mmff94_charges.py demosntrates how to calculate MMFF94 atom charges [6] for molecules read from a specified input file.


python calc_mmff94_charges.py <file>


 1import sys
 3import CDPL.Chem as Chem
 4import CDPL.ForceField as ForceField
 7# calculates and outputs the MMFF94 charges of the atoms of the provided molecular graph
 8def calcAndOutputCharges(mol: Chem.Molecule) -> None:
 9    Chem.calcImplicitHydrogenCounts(mol, False)  # calculate implicit hydrogen counts and set corresponding property for all atoms
10    Chem.makeHydrogenComplete(mol)               # make all implicit hydrogens explicit
11    Chem.perceiveHybridizationStates(mol, False) # perceive atom hybridization states and set corresponding property for all atoms
12    Chem.perceiveSSSR(mol, False)                # perceive smallest set of smallest rings and store as Chem.MolecularGraph property
13    Chem.setRingFlags(mol, False)                # perceive cycles and set corresponding atom and bond properties
14    Chem.setAromaticityFlags(mol, False)         # perceive aromaticity and set corresponding atom and bond properties
16    ForceField.perceiveMMFF94AromaticRings(mol, False)        # perceive aromatic rings according to the MMFF94 aroamticity model and store data as Chem.MolecularGraph property
17    ForceField.assignMMFF94AtomTypes(mol, False, False)       # perceive MMFF94 atom types (tolerant mode) set corresponding property for all atoms
18    ForceField.assignMMFF94BondTypeIndices(mol, False, False) # perceive MMFF94 bond types (tolerant mode) set corresponding property for all bonds
19    ForceField.calcMMFF94AtomCharges(mol, False, False)       # calculate MMFF94 atom charges (tolerant mode) set corresponding property for all atoms
21    print('- MMFF94 partial charges')
23    for atom in mol.atoms:
24        print('Atom #%s: %s' % (str(atom.getIndex()), str(ForceField.getMMFF94Charge(atom))))
26def main() -> None:
27    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
28        sys.exit('Usage: %s <input mol. file>' % sys.argv[0])
30    # create reader for input molecules (format specified by file extension)
31    reader = Chem.MoleculeReader(sys.argv[1]) 
33    # create an instance of the default implementation of the Chem.Molecule interface
34    mol = Chem.BasicMolecule()
36    # read and process molecules one after the other until the end of input has been reached
37    try:
38        while reader.read(mol):
39            try:
40                calcAndOutputCharges(mol)
41            except Exception as e:
42                sys.exit('Error: processing of molecule failed: ' + str(e))
44    except Exception as e: # handle exception raised in case of severe read errors
45        sys.exit('Error: reading molecule failed: ' + str(e))
47    sys.exit(0)
49if __name__ == '__main__':
50    main()

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