Performs a fast Gaussian shape-based similarity screening of molecule databases.
shapescreen [-hVvpMPyazuWSACENGFBYt] [-c arg] [-l arg] [-o arg] [-r arg] [-m arg] [-s arg] [-b arg] [-n arg] [-x arg] [-X arg] [-g arg] [-f arg] [-R arg] [-T arg] [-Q arg] [-D arg] [-O arg] -q arg -d arg
Mandatory options
-q [ –query ] arg
The query molecule input file.
- Supported Input Formats:
MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf, .sd)
MDL Molfile (.mol)
Native CDPL-Format (.cdf)
Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2)
Atomic Coordinates XYZ File (.xyz)
Chemical Markup Language Format (.cml)
GZip-Compressed Chemical Markup Language Format (.cml.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Chemical Markup Language Format (.cml.bz2)
GZip-Compressed MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf.gz, .sd.gz, .sdz)
BZip2-Compressed MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf.bz2, .sd.bz2)
GZip-Compressed Native CDPL-Format (.cdf.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Native CDPL-Format (.cdf.bz2)
GZip-Compressed Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2.bz2)
Pharmacophore Screening Database (.psd)
Note that atom 3D-coordinates are required for shape screening!
-d [ –database ] arg
The screened database input file.
- Supported Input Formats:
MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf, .sd)
MDL Molfile (.mol)
Native CDPL-Format (.cdf)
Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2)
Atomic Coordinates XYZ File (.xyz)
Chemical Markup Language Format (.cml)
GZip-Compressed Chemical Markup Language Format (.cml.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Chemical Markup Language Format (.cml.bz2)
GZip-Compressed MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf.gz, .sd.gz, .sdz)
BZip2-Compressed MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf.bz2, .sd.bz2)
GZip-Compressed Native CDPL-Format (.cdf.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Native CDPL-Format (.cdf.bz2)
GZip-Compressed Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2.bz2)
Pharmacophore Screening Database (.psd)
Note that atomic 3D-coordinates are required for shape screening!
Other options
-h [ –help ] [=arg(=SHORT)]
Print help message and exit (ABOUT, USAGE, SHORT, ALL or ‘name of option’, default: SHORT).
-V [ –version ]
Print version information and exit.
-v [ –verbosity ] [=arg(=VERBOSE)]
Verbosity level of information output (QUIET, ERROR, INFO, VERBOSE, DEBUG, default: INFO).
-c [ –config ] arg
Use file with program options.
-l [ –log-file ] arg
Redirect text-output to file.
-p [ –progress ] [=arg(=1)]
Show progress bar (default: true).
-o [ –output ] arg
Hit molecule output file.
- Supported Output Formats:
JME Molecular Editor String (.jme)
MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf, .sd)
MDL Molfile (.mol)
Daylight SMILES String (.smi)
Daylight SMARTS String (.sma)
IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (.inchi, .ichi)
Native CDPL-Format (.cdf)
Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2)
GZip-Compressed MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf.gz, .sd.gz, .sdz)
BZip2-Compressed MDL Structure-Data File (.sdf.bz2, .sd.bz2)
GZip-Compressed Native CDPL-Format (.cdf.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Native CDPL-Format (.cdf.bz2)
GZip-Compressed Daylight SMILES String (.smi.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Daylight SMILES String (.smi.bz2)
GZip-Compressed Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2.gz)
BZip2-Compressed Tripos Sybyl MOL2 File (.mol2.bz2)
Pharmacophore Screening Database (.psd)
-r [ –report ] arg
Report output file.
-m [ –mode ] arg
Screening mode specifying which of the obtained results for the query molecule are of interest (BEST_OVERALL, BEST_PER_QUERY, BEST_PER_QUERY_CONF, default: BEST_PER_QUERY).
-s [ –score ] arg
-b [ –best-hits ] arg
Maximum number of best scoring hits to output (default: 1000).
-n [ –max-hits ] arg
Maximum number of found hits at which the search will terminate (overrides the –best- hits option, default: 0 - no limit).
-x [ –cutoff ] arg
Score cutoff value which determines whether a database molecule is considered as a hit (default: 0.0 - no cutoff).
-X [ –shape-tanimoto-cutoff ] arg
Shape tanimoto score cutoff that will be used for hit identifiaction in addition to the value specified by the –cutoff option (default: 0.0 - no cutoff).
-M [ –merge-hits ] [=arg(=1)]
If true, identified hits are merged into a single, combined hit list. If false, a separate hit list for every query molecule will be maintained (default: false).
-P [ –split-output ] [=arg(=1)]
If true, for every query molecule a separate report and hit output file will be generated (default: true).
-y [ –score-only ] [=arg(=1)]
If specified, no shape overlay of the query and database molecules will be performed and the input poses get scored as they are (default: false).
-a [ –opt-overlay ] [=arg(=1)]
Specifies whether or not to perform an overlay optimization of the generated starting poses (only in effect if option –score-only is false, default: true).
-z [ –thorough-overlay-opt ] [=arg(=1)]
Specifies whether or not to perform a thorough overlay optimization of the generated starting poses (note: the screening time will increase significantly, default: false).
-u [ –output-query ] [=arg(=1)]
If specified, query molecules will be written at the beginning of the hit molecule output file (default: true).
-g [ –single-conf-db ] arg
If specified, conformers of the database molecules are treated as individual single conformer molecules (default: false).
-f [ –color-ftr-type ] arg
Specifies which type of color features to generate and score (NONE, EXP_PHARM, IMP_PHARM, default: IMP_PHARM).
-W [ –all-carbon ] [=arg(=1)]
If specified, every heavy atom is interpreted as carbon (default: true).
-S [ –shape-center-starts ] [=arg(=1)]
If specified, principal axes aligned starting poses will be generated where both shape centers are located atorigin the coordinates system (default: true).
-A [ –atom-center-starts ] [=arg(=1)]
If specified, principal axes aligned starting poses will be generated so that the center of the smaller shape is located at all the heavy atom centers of the larger shape (default: false).
-C [ –color-center-starts ] [=arg(=1)]
If specified, principal axes aligned starting poses will be generated so that the center of the smaller shape is located at the color feature centers of the larger shape (default: false).
-R [ –random-starts ] arg
Generates the specified number of principal axes aligned starting poses with randomized shape center displacements (default: 0).
-E [ –score-sd-tags ] [=arg(=1)]
If true, score values will be appended as SD-block entries of the output hit molecules (default: true).
-N [ –query-name-sd-tags ] [=arg(=1)]
If true, the query molecule name will be appended to the SD-block of the output hit molecules (default: false).
-G [ –query-idx-sd-tags ] [=arg(=1)]
If true, the query molecule index will be appended to the SD-block of the output hit molecules (default: false).
-F [ –query-conf-sd-tags ] [=arg(=1)]
If true, the query conformer index will be appended to the SD-block of the output hit molecules (default: true).
-B [ –db-idx-sd-tags ] [=arg(=1)]
If true, the database molecule index will be appended to the SD-block of the output hit molecules (default: false).
-Y [ –db-conf-sd-tags ] [=arg(=1)]
If true, the database conformer index will be appended to the SD-block of the output hit molecules (default: true).
-T [ –hit-name-ptn ] arg
Pattern for composing the names of written hit molecules by variable substitution (supported variables: @Q@ = query molecule name, @D@ = database molecule name, @C@ = query molecule conformer index, @c@ = database molecule conformer index, @I@ = query molecule index and @i@ = database molecule index, default: @D@_@c@_@Q@_@C@).
-t [ –num-threads ] [=arg(=4)]
Number of parallel execution threads (default: no multithreading, implicit value: number of CPUs, must be >= 0, 0 disables multithreading).
-Q [ –query-format ] arg
Allows to explicitly specify the format of the query molecule file by providing one of the supported file-extensions (without leading dot!) as argument. This option is useful when the format cannot be auto-detected from the actual extension of the file (because missing, misleading or not supported). Note that atomic 3D-coordinates are required for shape screening!
-D [ –database-format ] arg
Allows to explicitly specify the format of the screening database file by providing one of the supported file-extensions (without leading dot!) as argument. This option is useful when the format cannot be auto-detected from the actual extension of the file(s) (because missing, misleading or not supported). Note that atomic 3D-coordinates are required for shape screening!
-O [ –output-format ] arg
Allows to explicitly specify the hit molecule output file format by providing one of the supported file-extensions (without leading dot!) as argument. This option is useful when the format cannot be auto-detected from the actual extension of the file (because missing, misleading or not supported).