5.3. Torsion Driving

  1import sys
  2import argparse
  4import CDPL.Chem as Chem
  5import CDPL.ConfGen as ConfGen
  6import CDPL.Util as Util
  7import CDPL.Math as Math
 10# generates a conformer ensemble by performing torsion driving on the argument molecule
 11# using the provided ConfGen.TorsionDriver instance
 12def performTorsionDriving(mol: Chem.Molecule, tor_driver: ConfGen.TorsionDriver, sub_srch: Chem.SubstructureSearch, args: argparse.Namespace) -> (int, int):
 13    # check if a fixed substructure pattern has been specified and if there are matches
 14    if sub_srch != None and sub_srch.findMappings(mol): 
 15        if not args.quiet:
 16            print(' -> Found %s fixed substructure pattern match(es)' % str(sub_srch.numMappings))
 18        fixed_substruct = Chem.Fragment()  # will store atoms and bonds of the matched substructure(s)
 20        # extract all bonds (and associated atoms) of the substructure(s) matched by the pattern
 21        for mapping in sub_srch:
 22            for bond in mapping.bondMapping.getValues():
 23                fixed_substruct.addBond(bond)
 25        # bond mask for the torsion driver specifying rotatable bonds
 26        rot_bonds = Util.BitSet(mol.numBonds)
 28        # in case of a fixed substructure, rotatable bonds have to be identified manually
 29        for bond in mol.bonds:
 30            if fixed_substruct.containsBond(bond): # if bond is part of the fixed substruct. -> ignore
 31                continue
 33            if ConfGen.isRotatableBond(bond, mol, args.rot_term_het_grps):
 34                rot_bonds.set(bond.getIndex())
 36        status = tor_driver.setup(mol, rot_bonds)  # setup torsion driver
 38    else: # without a fixed substructure, let the torsion driver identify rotatable bonds
 39        if sub_srch != None and not args.quiet:
 40            print(' -> No fixed substructure pattern matches found!')
 42        fixed_substruct = None
 43        status = tor_driver.setup(mol)             # setup torsion driver
 45    # check if the torsion driver setup was successful
 46    if status != ConfGen.ReturnCode.SUCCESS: 
 47        return (status, 0) 
 49    input_conf = Math.Vector3DArray()
 51    # get input conformation
 52    Chem.get3DCoordinates(mol, input_conf, Chem.Atom3DCoordinatesFunctor()) 
 54    # use input conformation for tor. driving
 55    tor_driver.addInputCoordinates(input_conf) 
 57    # perform torsion driving
 58    status = tor_driver.generateConformers() 
 60    # check if torsion driving was successful
 61    if status != ConfGen.ReturnCode.SUCCESS: 
 62         return (status, 0)
 64    num_confs = tor_driver.numConformers  # get num gen. conformers
 66    if args.max_confs > 0:              
 67        num_confs = min(args.max_confs, num_confs) # clamp to spec. max. num output confs
 69    output_confs = []
 71    # fetch generated confs. up to max. count
 72    for i in range(num_confs): 
 73        output_confs.append(tor_driver.getConformer(i)) 
 75    # if desired, align output conformers
 76    if args.align_confs:
 77        if fixed_substruct != None:
 78            # align on fixed substructure
 79            alignConformers(fixed_substruct, input_conf, output_confs)
 80        else:
 81            # align on whole molecule
 82            alignConformers(mol, input_conf, output_confs)
 84    # erase existing conformers (if any)
 85    Chem.clearConformations(mol)
 87    # transfer output confs. one-by-one to molecule
 88    for conf in output_confs:  
 89        Chem.addConformation(mol, conf)
 91    # return status code and the number of generated conformers
 92    return (status, num_confs)
 94# aligns a set of conformers on the heavy atoms of a given reference structure (fixed substructure
 95# or input molecule)
 96def alignConformers(ref_struct: Chem.AtomContainer, ref_conf: Math.Vector3DArray, confs: []) -> None:
 97    # first, try to use only the heavy atoms of the reference structure for alignment
 98    ref_atom_inds = [atom.index for atom in ref_struct.atoms if Chem.getType(atom) != Chem.AtomType.H] 
 99    num_ref_atoms = len(ref_atom_inds)
101    # if num. heavy atoms < 3 (3 atoms are required for a defined orientation) use all atoms
102    if num_ref_atoms < 3: 
103        ref_atom_inds = [atom.index for atom in ref_struct.atoms] 
104        num_ref_atoms = len(ref_atom_inds)
106    if num_ref_atoms < 1: # in this case, an alignment is not possible
107        return
109    # create instance of the class implementing Kabsch's alignment algorithm
110    kabsch_algo = Math.DKabschAlgorithm()  
112    ref_coords = Math.DMatrix(3, num_ref_atoms)   # matrix storing the reference 3D coordinates
113    algnd_coords = Math.DMatrix(3, num_ref_atoms) # matrix storing the 3D coordinates to align
115    # initialize matrix holding the reference coordinates (stored as columns)
116    for i in range(num_ref_atoms):
117        coords = ref_conf[ref_atom_inds[i]]
118        ref_coords[0, i] = coords[0]
119        ref_coords[1, i] = coords[1]
120        ref_coords[2, i] = coords[2]
122    for algnd_conf in confs:   # for each conformer to align
123        # fetch coordinates of the atoms on which to align from the current conformer
124        for j in range(num_ref_atoms):
125            coords = algnd_conf[ref_atom_inds[j]]
126            algnd_coords[0, j] = coords[0]
127            algnd_coords[1, j] = coords[1]
128            algnd_coords[2, j] = coords[2]
130        # calculate alignment transformation and, if calc. was successful (should always be the case),
131        # apply the transformation to all atom positions assoc. with the current conformation
132        if kabsch_algo.align(algnd_coords, ref_coords):
133            Math.transform(algnd_conf, Math.Matrix4D(kabsch_algo.transform))
135def main() -> None:
136    args = parseArgs()
138    # create reader for input molecules (format specified by file extension)
139    reader = Chem.MoleculeReader(args.in_file) 
141    # create writer for the generated conformer ensembles (format specified by file extension)
142    writer = Chem.MolecularGraphWriter(args.out_file) 
144    # parse the SMARTS pattern describing fixed substructures, if specified
145    if args.fix_ptn:
146        try:
147            sub_srch_ptn = Chem.parseSMARTS(args.fix_ptn)
148        except Exception as e:
149            sys.exit('Error: parsing of SMARTS pattern failed: %s' % str(e))
151        # create and initialize an instance of the class Chem.SubstructureSearch that
152        # implements the substructure searching algorithm
153        sub_srch = Chem.SubstructureSearch(sub_srch_ptn)
154        sub_srch.uniqueMappings = True # report only mappings that differ in matched atoms/bonds
155    else:
156        sub_srch = None
158    # create and initialize an instance of the class ConfGen.TorsionDriver which
159    # will perform conformer generation by enumerating energetically favorable
160    # torsion angle combinations
161    tor_driver = ConfGen.TorsionDriver()
163    tor_driver.settings.energyWindow = args.e_window                    # apply the -e argument
164    tor_driver.settings.sampleHetAtomHydrogens = args.rot_term_het_grps # apply the -r argument
165    tor_driver.energyOrdered = True                                     # order generated confs. by energy
166    tor_driver.strictForceFieldParam = False                            # be tolerant
168    # dictionary mapping status codes to human readable strings
169    status_to_str = { ConfGen.ReturnCode.UNINITIALIZED                  : 'uninitialized',
170                      ConfGen.ReturnCode.FORCEFIELD_SETUP_FAILED        : 'force field setup failed' }
172    # create an instance of the default implementation of the Chem.Molecule interface
173    mol = Chem.BasicMolecule()
174    i = 1
176    # read and process molecules one after the other until the end of input has been reached
177    try:
178        while reader.read(mol):
179            # compose a simple molecule identifier
180            mol_id = Chem.getName(mol).strip() 
182            if mol_id == '':
183                mol_id = '#' + str(i) # fallback if name is empty
184            else:
185                mol_id = '\'%s\' (#%s)' % (mol_id, str(i))
187            if not args.quiet:
188                print('- Generating conformers for molecule %s...' % mol_id)
190            try:
191                # prepare the molecule for torsion driving
192                ConfGen.prepareForConformerGeneration(mol) 
194                # check if all atoms have 3D coordinates, print an error message if not
195                if not Chem.hasCoordinates(mol, 3):
196                    if args.quiet:
197                        print('Error: torsion driving on molecule %s failed: no atom 3D coordinates provided' % mol_id)
198                    else:
199                        print(' -> Torsion driving failed: no atom 3D coordinates provided')
200                    continue
202                # generate conformer ensemble for read molecule
203                status, num_confs = performTorsionDriving(mol, tor_driver, sub_srch, args) 
205                # check for severe error reported by status code
206                if status != ConfGen.ReturnCode.SUCCESS:
207                    if args.quiet:
208                        print('Error: torsion driving on molecule %s failed: %s' % (mol_id, status_to_str[status]))
209                    else:
210                        print(' -> Torsion driving failed: %s' % status_to_str[status])
212                elif not args.quiet:  # arrives here only if no severe error occurred
213                    print(' -> Generated %s conformer(s)' % str(num_confs))
215                # output generated ensemble (if available)
216                if num_confs > 0:
217                    if not writer.write(mol):   
218                        sys.exit('Error: output of generated conformers for molecule %s failed' % mol_id)
220            except Exception as e:
221                sys.exit('Error: torsion driving or output of generated conformers for molecule %s failed: %s' % (mol_id, str(e)))
223            i += 1
225    except Exception as e: # handle exception raised in case of severe read errors
226        sys.exit('Error: reading molecule failed: ' + str(e))
228    writer.close()
229    sys.exit(0)
231def parseArgs() -> argparse.Namespace:
232    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generates conformer ensembles for the given input molecules by performing torsion driving on the provided 3D structure.')
234    parser.add_argument('-i',
235                        dest='in_file',
236                        required=True,
237                        metavar='<file>',
238                        help='Molecule input file')
239    parser.add_argument('-o',
240                        dest='out_file',
241                        required=True,
242                        metavar='<file>',
243                        help='Conformer ensemble output file')
244    parser.add_argument('-f',
245                        dest='fix_ptn',
246                        required=False,
247                        metavar='<SMARTS>',
248                        help='SMARTS pattern describing substructures that shall be kept fixed during torsion driving')
249    parser.add_argument('-e',
250                        dest='e_window',
251                        required=False,
252                        metavar='<float>',
253                        type=float,
254                        default=20.0,
255                        help='Output conformer energy window (default: 20.0)')
256    parser.add_argument('-n',
257                        dest='max_confs',
258                        required=False,
259                        metavar='<int>',
260                        type=int,
261                        default=0,
262                        help='Max. output ensemble size (default: 100; if <= 0 -> no limit)')
263    parser.add_argument('-a',
264                        dest='align_confs',
265                        required=False,
266                        action='store_true',
267                        default=False,
268                        help='Align generated conformers on the fixed part of the input structure (if specified) or on the whole structure (default: false)')
269    parser.add_argument('-r',
270                        dest='rot_term_het_grps',
271                        required=False,
272                        action='store_true',
273                        default=False,
274                        help='Consider single bonds to terminal hetero atoms (= N, O, or S) as rotatable (default: false)')
275    parser.add_argument('-q',
276                        dest='quiet',
277                        required=False,
278                        action='store_true',
279                        default=False,
280                        help='Disable progress output (default: false)')
282    return parser.parse_args()
284if __name__ == '__main__':
285    main()

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