Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.1.1
Namespaces | Variables
UFFAtomType.hpp File Reference

Definition of constants in namespace CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType. More...

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 The namespace of the Chemical Data Processing Library.
 Contains classes and functions related to molecular force fields.
 Provides constants for the specification of Universal Force Field (UFF) atom types.


const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::NONE = 0
 Atom with no matching UFF atom type. More...
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::H = 1
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::H_b = 2
 Hydrogen bridging between two boron atoms. More...
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::He_4_4 = 3
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Li = 4
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Be_3_2 = 5
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::B_3 = 6
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::B_2 = 7
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::C_3 = 8
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::C_R = 9
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::C_2 = 10
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::C_1 = 11
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::N_3 = 12
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::N_R = 13
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::N_2 = 14
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::N_1 = 15
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::O_3 = 16
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::O_3_z = 17
 Oxygen in a zeolite framework. More...
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::O_R = 18
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::O_2 = 19
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::O_1 = 20
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::F = 21
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ne_4_4 = 22
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Na = 23
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Mg_3_2 = 24
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Al_3 = 25
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Si_3 = 26
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::P_3_3 = 27
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::P_3_5 = 28
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::P_3_q = 29
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::S_3_2 = 30
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::S_3_4 = 31
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::S_3_6 = 32
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::S_R = 33
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::S_2 = 34
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Cl = 35
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ar_4_4 = 36
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::K = 37
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ca_6_2 = 38
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Sc_3_3 = 39
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ti_3_4 = 40
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ti_6_4 = 41
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::V_3_5 = 42
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Cr_6_3 = 43
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Mn_6_2 = 44
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Fe_3_2 = 45
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Fe_6_2 = 46
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Co_6_3 = 47
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ni_4_2 = 48
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Cu_3_1 = 49
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Zn_3_2 = 50
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ga_3_3 = 51
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ge_3 = 52
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::As_3_3 = 53
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Se_3_2 = 54
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Br = 55
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Kr_4_4 = 56
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Rb = 57
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Sr_6_2 = 58
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Y_3_3 = 59
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Zr_3_4 = 60
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Nb_3_5 = 61
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Mo_6_6 = 62
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Mo_3_6 = 63
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Tc_6_5 = 64
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ru_6_2 = 65
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Rh_6_3 = 66
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Pd_4_2 = 67
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ag_1_1 = 68
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Cd_3_2 = 69
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::In_3_3 = 70
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Sn_3 = 71
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Sb_3_3 = 72
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Te_3_2 = 73
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::I = 74
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Xe_4_4 = 75
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Cs = 76
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ba_6_2 = 77
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::La_3_3 = 78
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ce_6_3 = 79
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Pr_6_3 = 80
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Nd_6_3 = 81
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Pm_6_3 = 82
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Sm_6_3 = 83
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Eu_6_3 = 84
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Gd_6_3 = 85
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Tb_6_3 = 86
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Dy_6_3 = 87
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ho_6_3 = 88
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Er_6_3 = 89
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Tm_6_3 = 90
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Yb_6_3 = 91
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Lu_6_3 = 92
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Hf_3_4 = 93
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ta_3_5 = 94
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::W_6_6 = 95
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::W_3_4 = 96
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::W_3_6 = 97
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Re_6_5 = 98
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Re_3_7 = 99
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Os_6_6 = 100
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ir_6_3 = 101
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Pt_4_2 = 102
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Au_4_3 = 103
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Hg_1_2 = 104
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Tl_3_3 = 105
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Pb_3 = 106
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Bi_3_3 = 107
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Po_3_2 = 108
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::At = 109
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Rn_4_4 = 110
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Fr = 111
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ra_6_2 = 112
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Ac_6_3 = 113
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Th_6_4 = 114
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Pa_6_4 = 115
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::U_6_4 = 116
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Np_6_4 = 117
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Pu_6_4 = 118
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Am_6_4 = 119
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Cm_6_3 = 120
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Bk_6_3 = 121
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Cf_6_3 = 122
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Es_6_3 = 123
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Fm_6_3 = 124
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Md_6_3 = 125
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::No_6_3 = 126
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::Lr_6_3 = 127
const unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType::MAX_TYPE = Lr_6_3

Detailed Description

Definition of constants in namespace CDPL::ForceField::UFFAtomType.