Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.1.1
Namespaces | Variables
Chem/DataFormat.hpp File Reference

Provides the contents of namespace CDPL::Chem::DataFormat. More...

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 The namespace of the Chemical Data Processing Library.
 Contains core framework classes and functions.
 Contains classes and functions related to chemistry.
 Provides preinitialized Base::DataFormat objects for all supported chemical data formats.


CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::JME
 Provides meta-information about the native I/O format of the JME Molecular Editor [JME] java applet. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::MOL
 Provides meta-information about the MDL Mol-File [CTFILE] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::SDF
 Provides meta-information about the MDL SD-File [CTFILE] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::SDF_GZ
 Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed MDL SD-File [CTFILE] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::SDF_BZ2
 Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed MDL SD-File [CTFILE] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::RXN
 Provides meta-information about the MDL Rxn-File [CTFILE] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::RDF
 Provides meta-information about the MDL RD-File [CTFILE] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::RDF_GZ
 Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed MDL RD-File [CTFILE] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::RDF_BZ2
 Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed MDL RD-File [CTFILE] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::SMILES
 Provides meta-information about the Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::SMILES_GZ
 Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::SMILES_BZ2
 Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Daylight SMILES [SMILES] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::SMARTS
 Provides meta-information about the Daylight SMARTS [SMARTS] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::INCHI
 Provides meta-information about the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) [INCHI] format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::CDF
 Provides meta-information about the native CDPL format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::CDF_GZ
 Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed native CDPL format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::CDF_BZ2
 Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed native CDPL format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::MOL2
 Provides meta-information about the Sybyl MOL2 format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::MOL2_GZ
 Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed Sybyl MOL2 format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::MOL2_BZ2
 Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed Sybyl MOL2 format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::XYZ
 Provides meta-information about the XYZ format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::XYZ_GZ
 Provides meta-information about the gzip-compressed XYZ format. More...
CDPL_CHEM_API const Base::DataFormat CDPL::Chem::DataFormat::XYZ_BZ2
 Provides meta-information about the bzip2-compressed XYZ format. More...

Detailed Description

Provides the contents of namespace CDPL::Chem::DataFormat.