Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.2.2
Namespaces | Variables
InteractionType.hpp File Reference

Definition of constants in namespace CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType. More...

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 The namespace of the Chemical Data Processing Library.
 Contains classes and functions related to molecular force fields.
 Provides flags for the specification of a set of force field interaction types.


constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::NONE = 0x00
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::BOND_STRETCHING = 0x01
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::ANGLE_BENDING = 0x02
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::STRETCH_BEND = 0x04
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::OUT_OF_PLANE_BENDING = 0x08
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::TORSION = 0x10
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::VAN_DER_WAALS = 0x20
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::ELECTROSTATIC = 0x40
constexpr unsigned int CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType::ALL = 0x7f

Detailed Description

Definition of constants in namespace CDPL::ForceField::InteractionType.