Chemical Data Processing Library C++ API - Version 1.1.1
Classes | Namespaces
Functional.hpp File Reference

Definition of various functors. More...

#include <boost/algorithm/clamp.hpp>
#include "CDPL/Math/Check.hpp"
#include "CDPL/Math/CommonType.hpp"
#include "CDPL/Math/TypeTraits.hpp"
#include "CDPL/Base/Exceptions.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarBinaryAssignmentFunctor< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarAssignment< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarAdditionAssignment< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarSubtractionAssignment< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarMultiplicationAssignment< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarDivisionAssignment< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarUnaryFunctor< T >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarNegation< T >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarConjugation< T >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarRealUnaryFunctor< T >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarReal< T >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarImaginary< T >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarBinaryFunctor< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarAddition< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarSubtraction< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarMultiplication< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarDivision< T1, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorScalarBinaryFunctor< V1, V2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorInnerProduct< V1, V2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorAngleCosine< V1, V2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorBooleanBinaryFunctor< V1, V2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorEquality< V1, V2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar3VectorBooleanTernaryFunctor< V1, V2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorToleranceEquality< V1, V2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorBinaryFunctor< V1, V2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorCrossProduct< V1, V2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorScalarUnaryFunctor< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorElementSum< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorScalarRealUnaryFunctor< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorNorm1< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorNorm2< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorNormInfinity< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorScalarIndexUnaryFunctor< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorNormInfinityIndex< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixBooleanBinaryFunctor< M1, M2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixEquality< M1, M2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar3MatrixBooleanTernaryFunctor< M1, M2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixToleranceEquality< M1, M2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixScalarUnaryFunctor< M >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixElementSum< M >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixTrace< M >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixScalarRealUnaryFunctor< M >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixNorm1< M >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixNormFrobenius< M >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixNormInfinity< M >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorMatrixUnaryFunctor< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::DiagonalMatrixFromVector< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::CrossProductMatrixFromVector< V >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixVectorBinaryFunctor< M, V >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixVectorProduct< M, V >
struct  CDPL::Math::VectorMatrixProduct< V, M >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixBinaryFunctor< M1, M2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::MatrixProduct< M1, M2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionBooleanBinaryFunctor< Q1, Q2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionEquality< Q1, Q2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar3QuaternionBooleanTernaryFunctor< Q1, Q2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionToleranceEquality< Q1, Q2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionScalarUnaryFunctor< Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionElementSum< Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionScalarRealUnaryFunctor< Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionNorm< Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionNorm2< Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionUnaryFunctor< Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionUnreal< Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionConjugate< Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar1QuaternionBinaryFunctor< T, Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar1QuaternionAddition< T, Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar1QuaternionSubtraction< T, Q >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar2QuaternionBinaryFunctor< Q, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar2QuaternionAddition< Q, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar2QuaternionSubtraction< Q, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionInverse< Q, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionBinaryFunctor< Q1, Q2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionProduct< Q1, Q2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar3QuaternionTernaryFunctor< Q1, Q2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionDivision< Q1, Q2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar13QuaternionTernaryFunctor< T1, Q, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::ScalarQuaternionDivision< T1, Q, T2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionVectorBinaryFunctor< Q, V >
struct  CDPL::Math::QuaternionVectorRotation< Q, V >
struct  CDPL::Math::GridBooleanBinaryFunctor< G1, G2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::GridEquality< G1, G2 >
struct  CDPL::Math::Scalar3GridBooleanTernaryFunctor< G1, G2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::GridToleranceEquality< G1, G2, T >
struct  CDPL::Math::GridScalarUnaryFunctor< M >
struct  CDPL::Math::GridElementSum< G >


 The namespace of the Chemical Data Processing Library.
 Contains classes and functions related to mathematics.

Detailed Description

Definition of various functors.